Sunday, March 12, 2017

Rob Kardashian: Desperate to Get Back with Blac Chyna?!

Just about a month ago, we heard the tragic, unexpected news that Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna had broken up.

Except it was actually totally expected, eagerly anticipated even, and it wasn’t so much tragic as it was a relief.

Even though they share an adorable little baby daughter, their relationship never seemed healthy. In the end, it’s probably for the best that they’re no longer together.

But apparently Rob disagrees.

According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, “It is incredibly difficult for Rob to not live with his baby Dream and Blac, he’s utterly heartbroken.”

“He loves them both more than anything and while he does spend time at Blac’s home, he lives primarily at his own home in Calabasas.”

It seems like distance really is making his heart grow fonder, because the source adds that “Rob is hoping Blac will come around to letting him back home full time because he truly misses being with her and his daughter.”

“Rob misses Blac’s cooking, her sense of humor and the amazing fun they had in the bedroom. Since things have been rocky between them the last several months, all that has been gone.”

Unfortunately, “Things are in limbo for Rob and Blac and that drives Rob crazy. The only thing that brings him peace and makes him calm is when he gets to hold his baby Dream.”

Poor Rob, right? But for better or for worse, it looks like Rob really is trying to pull himself together.

TMZ photographed him house-hunting — on Friday, he was checking out a mansion nearby Chyna’s home. He’s currently renting a house that Kylie Jenner owns, so buying this new place would be a big move for him.

He’s also been posting photos of his gym on Instagram, explaining that he’s been working out again with the Kardashian family trainer.

In a precious new photo of Dream, he wrote “This is my motivation.”

So is Rob trying to better himself so he can be the best father he can possibly be? Is he trying to get fit and get sweet mansions so that Blac Chyna may want to holler at him again?

It’s hard to say.

But it seems like Rob is making some great changes in his life. So let’s just be proud of the guy, OK?
