Friday, March 17, 2017

Paul Ryan Pretends to Drink Guinness, Earns Ire of Internet

Paul Ryan is not the most popular politician in Washington right now.

Because he"s crafted a health care bill that"s managed to bring Democrats and Republicans together in their mutual disdain for it?


But mostly because he raised a pint of Guinness at the Friends of Ireland luncheon on Thursday in D.C., proving that he"s never actually drank the beer and earning the wrath of social media users everywhere as a result.

To wit:

1. The Photo That Started It All

The photo that started it all

An Irish journalist sharded the above photo on Twitter and wrote as a caption: “First Mike Pence says ‘top of the morning’, then Paul Ryan holds up this appalling pint, grave missteps by the US.”

2. Did He Even Drink That?!?

Did he even drink that

He’s just holding it as a prop, isn’t he?

3. A New Immigration Ban


We doubt any judge will strike this one down.

4. Fake Brews!

Fake brews

This is the greatest pun we’ve ever read in our lives.

5. Hating the Player for Not Watching the Game

Hating the player for not watching the game

We wonder if Ryan has ever watched a sporting event of any kind.


Shame shame shame

Can someone make him walk through town naked while being mocked and pelted by his fellow citizens?

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