Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ariel Winter Rocks See-Through Shirt, Smokes Cigar, Breaks Internet

Ariel Winter knows what makes the Internet work.

She realized that in order to build an engaged social media following, you need to understand the platform you’re working with, know your target audience, and make fans feel that they’re engaging with you on a personal level.

Oh, and it doesn’t hurt to have giant boobs …

Fortunately for all of us, not only does Ariel have huge boobs, she enjoys flaunting them for the viewing pleasure of her three million Instagram followers.

Recently Ariel has been traveling with her boyfriend, actor Levi Meaden.

It seems Levi is in China shooting Pacific Rim: Uprising, and Ariel has been by his side, providing a far more stunning visual spectacle than any CGI display.

She posted the photo above and wrote this caption that no one will ever read:

“When in Beijing at a cigar bar.”

Ah, a cigar bar.

We guess that explains the suggestive smoking accessory.

It doesn’t explain the bra-as-top look, but fortunately, no explanation is needed.

When Ariel goes on vacation, we all get racy pics, even when there’s no beach in sight.

And we can’t just shut up and be grateful for that, then we are lost as a society!

Lost, we say!

All melodrama aside, Ariel’s pics drew an overwhelmingly positive response, as usual.

In fact, you might describe it as creepily positive, as a large number of Ariel’s fans really, really want to be in close proximity to her.

Not surprisingly, news that she was in China prompted an avalanche of invitations to “hang out”:

“OMG. Never been this close to you. I’m in Beijing too. Wish to hang out with you,” wrote one fan.

“You’re in China!!! Will you come to Shanghai??!!! There are so many fans of you!!” commented another.

We get that Ariel has a huge following in China, but, like, she’s an actress.

What is she supposed to do in Shanghai?

Live-read your favorite Modern Family episode?

Wave from the back of a convertible like an old-school foreign dignitary?

Look, folks, racy Ariel Winter selfies, it’s very important that you not make it weird.

Like, if Tom Brady throws an impressive pass, or LeBron dunks on some dude, you don’t ask them to come chill in your basement, right?

Let’s take the same approach to impressive physical feats by young models and actors, mmm-kay?
