Friday, March 24, 2017

Rihanna: Friends BEG Her to Leave Chris Brown Alone!

Oh, what some people won’t do for love …

Or, sorry, “love.”

Because — and not that you need this spelled out to you — Chris Brown is more jackass monster than human, and seems 100% incapable of love.

Like, good people don’t threaten to murder others. That’s just a fact.

But OK, let’s back up a little bit.

Earlier this week, we heard that Rihanna and Chris Brown were talking again, which is terrible, right?

It started, as it often does, on social media.

Chris followed Rihanna on Instagram for whatever reason, probably because that restraining order keeps him from messing with Karrueche Tran at the moment, and from there they started messaging.

“They swore to keep things platonic,” an insider claimed. “YEAH RIGHT.”

“It’s already escalated to sexting. They’re addicted to each other. The smallest thing can put them right to where they started.”

The source theorized that “Soon they’ll be meeting up in hotel rooms,” because “they always LOVED hooking up in hotel rooms.”


But now that people have been talking about the possibility of yet another reunion between these two — remember, they got back together a few years ago, just a couple of years after he viciously assaulted her — it seems like her friends are ready to get involved.

And thank goodness for that.

A source tells Hollywood Life that “Friends of Rihanna want her to think about what he did to her and want her to move forward and not backwards.”

“They understand that she and Chris had a strong bond, but there are some things you just have to move on from. Her pals are hoping she never returns to Chris even in a friends capacity.”

The whole thing is just disturbing, because while it would be terrible and sad and all sorts of bad things if Rihanna went back to Chris, the thought of her going back to him now, with all that’s going on with Karrueche, is just kind of unbelievable.

Last month, Karrueche went to court to get a restraining order against Chris.

She made a series of alarming claims — she said that when they were dating, Chris punched her twice in the stomach, and once threw her down a flight of stairs.

But the reason she wanted the restraining order was because she’d heard that Chris had been telling friends that he was going to kill her, because if he couldn’t have her, then no one else can.

And remember, Chris himself confirmed he had those sick, twisted views on relationships in that seriously creepy Instagram video he shared at the beginning of February.

So think about it, Rihanna: is this really the kind of person you want in your life?
