Friday, March 10, 2017

Jessa Duggar Celebrates Baby Henry"s 1-Month Birthday!

Hard to believe, but it’s been one full month since Jessa Duggar welcomed her second child, a boy by the name of Henry Wilberforce Seewald.

(It’s a mouthful of a moniker, but when you consider Jessa named her first son Spurgeon, little Henry got off easy.)

The Duggar family is a regular baby-making factory, but to their credit, they never overlook milestone moments in the lives of their children:

Of course, they’re also experts in finding ways to link their kids’ development with their business interests, but we’ll get to that later.

Yesterday, Jessa marked Henry’s one month birthday by posting the above photo collage along with the following caption:

“Where has the time gone? 1 month old and 12 lbs of chubs,” Jessa wrote.

She added:

“Check out his 1-month photo album on our website! :LINK IN BIO:”

Why link to the Seewald family’s personal website when Instagram is a site specifically designed for sharing photos?

Because the Duggars’ sites generate huge revenue, and these people think about the bottom line even more than they think about the special part of hell reserved for people who front-hug before marriage.

We hate to be cynical about a baby photo, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that the pic of Henry is sandwiched between two other posts that also direct the user to Duggar family sites.

One touts a blog post about the courtship between Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell.

The other points to an article written by Ben Seewald condemning some “heretical” new movie because Ben is unemployed and has a lot of time on his hands.

If you’ve seen the recent reports about the Seewalds’ net worth, you know that Jessa and Ben aren’t as well off as their fans seem to think.

So it’s not surprising that Ben is still trying to make it as an young, hip preacher instead of getting a real job, and the Seewalds are doing everything in their power to generate revenue online.

How did we get on this topic?

Oh yeah, Henry’s one-month birthday.

Um … cute kid. Solid pics.

Stay woke, people!
