Monday, March 20, 2017

Melissa George Opens Up About Husband Violently Assaulting Her: What Did She Say?

Melissa George is struggling to come to terms with an alleged assault that she was on the receiving end of last September.

That assault was allegedly at the hands of her ex-husband, Jean-David Blanc. 

The 40-year-old Grey’s Anatomy alum opened up about her ordeal on an Australian TV program named Sunday Night. 

George revealed that things became physical between them after an argument at their penthouse apartment in Paris. 

“It started with him on top of me, with my arms locked above my head,” she claimed.

“I just tried to fight for myself, which made him more angry, which made me more angry and he pushed me into the door and then struck my face, and I hit the wall and fell on the floor. He stood over me and said, ‘Now you’re a real actress."”

George further claimed that Jean-David then “grabbed the back of my head and smashed it on the metal thing where you hang your coats.”

When Melissa got to the police station after escaping the dire situation, the police called an ambulance for the actress, presumably they could tell she had been severely beaten. 

Jean-David was later arrested. 

It’s such a horrible thing to happen to anyone, but things took a strange turn in court about the whole thing.  

The judge convicted both Melissa and Jean-David for assault and said they had attacked one another. 

As you can probably expect, both of them are appealing their convictions, while going to war with one another for custody of their two sons Raphael and Solal. 

Melissa revealed during the interview that her ex-husband continues to taunt her via text messages about her lack of parenting skills. 

While Melissa took to TV to reveal her side of events, Jean-David revealed to Daily Mail that Melissa’s take on events are lies

He revealed that he was the one who was attacked first and acted in self-defense. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!
