Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ireland Baldwin: SUPER Naked in Latest Photo Shoot!

For a while there, Ireland Baldwin’s Instagram page was private. 

This was obviously a tragedy, as Ireland Baldwin nudity was one of the things that made Instagram go ‘round, like Harambe memes of .GIFs of drunk people falling down.

Fortunately she appears to have gotten over her shyness, which is fantastic news, because these days, Ireland is more naked than ever!

Is that even possible?

Are there degrees of nakedness?

Do the words “naked Ireland” make you think of a nationwide St. Patrick’s Day party that went a bit too far?

If you’re asking yourself these questions, you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing, which is looking at Ireland Baldwin’s exposed butt.

Ireland posted the pic above – taken by esteemed photographer Trevor Flores – on her social media pages today with the following caption:

“One of the most freeing and special adventures of my life. Excited for what the future holds.”

As with so many models who go nude these days, Ireland says she’s doing so in the name of body positivity.

“I think it’s such an important change that’s finally happening and we’re finally starting to recognize that beauty isn’t a specific body type and it’s just so many different body types and different looks and different everything,” Ireland told E! News last month.

“I think we’re really starting to embrace that as a society and in the fashion industry. I think it’s amazing.”

While it’s hard to imagine from looking at her, Ireland says she’s experienced insecurity about her looks in the past:

“For me, I’ve always struggled finding my balance too. I’m not stick skinny. I don’t really fit a specific mold,” she told the network.

“It’s kind of hard to stand on your own and defending your body type and defending yourself and making a mark.”

We’re not completely sure how a conventionally model-gorgeous thin young blonde woman is standing up for body positivity by posing nude, but who are we to question it?

All that matters to us is that Ireland’s confidence has reached the level where she has no qualms about continuing to show a lot of skin on social media.

We’re super woke like that.

Please don’t beat us up, Alec.

You seem like a very angry man, and we bruise easily.

Check out some of Ireland’s most memorable pics in the gallery below:
