Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: Wedding Plans Revealed?!

If you’ve been following news of the couple, then by now you’re probably aware Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are moving at breakneck speed and appear to be headed straight for the altar.

We’ve even heard rumors about Meghan being pregnant with Harry’s baby, but those appear to be a case of the tabloid press putting its own foot on the gas.

But while they’re almost certainly not expecting a royal bundle of joy, Meg and Harry do seem to be eager to take the next step in their relationship.

Last week, Harry and Meghan traveled to Jamaica for the wedding of one of his closest friends.

The couple is said to have enjoyed their time on the island tremendously, and insiders tell Radar Online they’re now considering a similarly sunny and sandy vibe for their own nuptials.

“He loved the way his friend got married, in the sun by the beach and is now considering it himself,” a source close to the couple tells Radar.

Exchanging vows on the beach would mean bucking centuries of royal tradition, but that’s never seemed to bother Harry in the past:

“It would be highly irregular for the Prince to have a Royal wedding anywhere but London. However, Harry isn’t your typical Prince,” says the insider.

The tipster adds:

“We have seen him naked in Vegas and now he is dating an American actress. Why anyone would expect him to follow tradition, I do not know.

Yes, it seems that the fact that he’s settled down into a monogamous relationship hasn’t turned Harry away from the life of a self-styled Sinatra-esque rebel:

“Harry does things his way and that will also include how and where he gets married,” the source says.

Of course, he may still have to worry about the fact Prince Charles disapproves of Markle

That’s the thing about being a royal badass:

All the posturing in the world won’t change the fact that at the end of the day, you’re still dependent on your family.

Harry’s like that badass in your freshman year dorm who was all swag until that day his parents rolled up to tell him they were cutting him off for failing Western Civ and he started crying in the quad.
