Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner: Officially Back Together!

After nearly two years of rumors and speculation, credible sources are now confirming that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are back together.

Affleck and Garner separated back in the summer of 2015, and it initially looked as though the couple was in for a truly ugly celebrity divorce.

However, shortly thereafter, the Afflecks seemed to be making a concerted effort to repair their damaged relationship.

The celebrity gossip world looked on in confusion as Ben and Jen attended marriage counseling, took their kids to Disney Land, and even made Sunday outings to church and the farmers’ market together as a family.

There were bumps in the road, such as Ben’s alleged affair with nanny Christine Ouzounian. and his ill-advised decision to get a giant phoenix tattoo to represent his ability to rise from the ashes of his divorce, but apparently Jen is a more patient woman than we could have imagined.

People magazine is reporting today that Ben and Jen are reluctant to announce that they’re officially back together for fear of confusing their kids, but for all intents and purposes Bennifer 2.0 is back up and running.

“Jen has called off the divorce,” a source close to Garner tells the magazine.

“She really wants to work things out with Ben. They are giving things another try.”

A different source says the decision was mutual, and that while Ben and Jen won’t be renewing their vows any time soon, they are intent on giving their marriage at least one more chance:

“There is always a chance of reconciliation,” says the tipster number two.

“They love each other. They also really, really love their kids, and those kids love their parents.”

Apparently the reconciliation was a last-minute affair, as Jen had reached her breaking point with the holding pattern she and Ben had been stuck in for the past, and was prepared to pull the trigger on divorce proceedings:

“Jen was telling friends that she plans on filing for divorce,” an insider tells People.

“She just wanted to move on and focus on the happy things in her life. She was exhausted from all the ups and downs.”

We may never know if Ben talked her out of it, or if she simply decided to give him one more chance to make things right for the sake of their kids.

All we know is that these days, it seems Sad Affleck is a thing of the past.

At least until Ben’s next Batman movie comes out.
