Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women"s Day: Stars Celebrate on Twitter!

If you"ve spent any time on social media in the past 12 hours, you"re probably aware that it"s International Women"s Day – but you might not be aware of what that means.

As its name suggests IWD is a day to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of the global female community.

This year, the International Women"s Day is of added importance, as tens of thousands of women are participating in the Day Without a Woman – a general strike prompted by the dangerously misogynistic remarks and policies of Donald Trump and his administration.

So whether you"re striking or taking to social media to express solidarity, take a moment to see what some of the most outspoken celebs have to say about this momentous day:

1. Chelsea Handler Issues Savage Trump Burn

Chelsea handler issues savage trump burn

Can someone send a burn unit to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

2. LeBron Remains Woke


No Trump-style “locker room” talk on the Cavs.

3. Ronda Rousey Won’t Back Down

Ronda rousey wont back down

The UFC icon tweeted this photo, along with a caption reading, “#Resist.”

4. Adele Explains It All

Adele explains it all

Adele tweeted this quote from Canadian feminist Charlotte Whitton.

5. Emma’s Bookfairies Are on the Loose

Emmas bookfairies are on the loose

Emma Watson spearheads an international literacy foundations that gives away books in a creative fashion. Today, her bookfairies have a special goal.

6. Ellen is Grateful

Ellen is grateful

Ellen’s message was simple, but profound

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