Friday, April 21, 2017

RIP Prince: Fans Remember Music Icon One Year After His Death

It"s been one year since the world learned that Prince had passed away at his Minnesota home at the age of 57.

We know that Prince was a victim of the opioid epidemic currently ravaging the US, but while questions remain about the circumstances of his death, there was never any doubt about the enormity of his talent or the lasting impact of his life.

Today, fans marked the one year anniversary of the Purple One"s death by paying homage on Twitter and other social media platforms.

Check out some of the most moving tributes in the gallery below:

1. At Paisley Park

At paisley park

Prince’s impromptu performances remain a fond memory for the tens of thousands who ere lucky enough to witness one.

2. Prince: "For You" Lyrics


Some fans sought solace in the Purple One’s lyrics.

3. #PurpleDay

Number purpleday

Some fans have suggested an official holiday to mark Prince’s passing.

4. "Dearly Beloved…"

Dearly beloved

Others noted that Prince addressed the big questions of life and death in his massive body of work.

5. A Life of Service

A life of service

Some fans took time to acknowledge Prince’s humanitarian efforts.

6. Prince Mural

Prince mural

Murals commemorating the Purple one have sprung up all over the country. Not surprisingly, most are in Minnesota.

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