Saturday, April 1, 2017

Pink is Officially OBESE!

Pink, best known for being an amazing singer with an amazing attitude and amazing hair, has recently undergone a little bit of a transformation.

And she is now obese.

For real.

But, as always, it’s not exactly what you think.

Pink, who gave birth to her second child in late December, shared a new photo of herself in which she seems to be working out.

And in the caption of the photo, she gave her current weight, along with her height. And those stats together make her technically obese.

You can already tell this is going to be ridiculous, right?

So that’s the picture of “obese” Pink. Before you pound your head against the nearest wall until all the madness stops, please just check out the wonderful message she added along with the pic.

“Would you believe I’m 160 pounds and 5’3?” she asked her followers. “By ‘regular standards’ that makes me obese.”

“I know I’m not at my goal or anywhere near it after Baby 2,” she admitted, “but dammit I don’t feel obese.”

“The only thing I’m feeling is myself.”

There’s the Pink we know and love!

She added a little piece of advice — “Stay off that scale ladies!” — along with the hashtags “feeling myself,” “strong is my goal,” “body goals,” “get it in,” and “GI Jane is my WCW.”

And this is why this woman is a living legend, a role model for all, and really just the best.

Her followers agreed — they were all living for Pink’s message.

“You are strong and beautiful,” one woman told her. “And you have two beautiful kids to go with that. Stay the beautiful person you are. I can only hope my kids will admire someone like you.”

“It’s obvious you’re super toned and super light on insecurity!” another fan wrote.

“Looking fantastic,” yet another said. “But I love the fact you keep things real — it’s bloody hard work to get back into shape for most of us.”

“You’ve probably made more than a million women feel good about themselves,” one of her followers told her. “And I’m one. You look GREAT!”

And it’s all true. So very, very true.

Pink looks so beautiful, just like always, and she’s always inspired so many people. This latest sermon — you know the woman is preaching here — is no different.

Keep it up, Pink. Forever, preferably.

You’re the best, girl.
