Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Jenelle Evans Claps Back at Kailyn Lowry: YOU"RE the One Talking Trash!

Last week, Jenelle Evans helped to spread a rumor that Kailyn Lowry is giving up her baby for adoption.

Jenelle never made the claim herself, but she posted an article with the misleading headline of “Kail Not Keeping Her Baby!”

For her part, Jenelle (or whoever runs Jenelle’s Facebook page) added the caption, “It’s so hard to say goodbye.”

It turns out the article was about Kailyn’s decision to sell her BMW (her “baby”), but the damage had been done, and to many, Jenelle’s intent was clear.

Many – including Kailyn – believed that Jenelle knew exactly what she was doing when she posted that headline for her millions of social media followers.

“Whoever decided to twist my words and say I’m not keeping my baby is a f-cked up individual,” Kailyn tweeted the same day that Jenelle deleted the post from her Facebook page.

“I’d really love if things I’m quoted saying in interviews aren’t copied and pasted into click-[bait] articles for bullsh– publications. But then again, it’s on the internet it MUST be true.”

Though Jenelle eventually removed the article from her page, many saw the post as the latest shot in the ongoing Jenelle vs. Kailyn feud.

Last night, Jenelle spoke out on the issue for the first time, informing fans that she had no intention of throwing shade at her pregnant co-star:

“Just to throw this out there,” Jenelle tweeted. “I don’t write any articles on my pages that are shared or posted about the other Teen Mom ladies. #JustSayin”

The crazy part is, Jenelle might be telling the truth.

After all, she gets paid a lot of money for posting click-bait links on her social media page, and in all likelihood, she doesn’t give much thought to the content as long as the checks clear.

Of course, that doesn’t completely absolve Jenelle of blame.

Even if someone else operates her Facebook page (which seems to be the case) she’s still responsible for the content that gets posted under her name.

So she may not have had any idea that she was helping to spread the manure of fake news, but wittingly or otherwise, she played a role in helping a nonsense rumor go viral.

And it certainly doesn’t seem to have done any favors for her relationship with Kailyn.
