Monday, April 10, 2017

Jessa Duggar: I"ll Teach Your Daughters How to Cover Up!

It’s been nearly two years since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls and was assisted by his parents in covering up his crimes and evading prosecution.

It was an appalling situation that was made all the more shocking with each new revelation.

We eventually learned that – far from being isolated incidents – Josh’s crimes were essentially sanctioned by his parents’ beliefs and the community in which he was raised.

The Duggars belong to the Quiverfull movement, a system of inherently misogynistic religious beliefs which holds that women are put on Earth for the sole purpose of breeding.

From a young age, girls born into Quiverfull families are taught that they’re inferior to men, and it’s their responsibility to ensure that they don’t tempt men into engaging in sexual activity for any reason other than procreation.

Homeschooling curriculum materials used by the Duggars and other Quiverfull families were made public shortly after the Josh sex scandals and offered a frightening glimpse into a cult-like community.

The materials showed that parents were instructed to teach their children that sexual abuse is often the victim’s fault, as men are unable to control themselves in the presence of women who dress provocatively.

Now, despite being a victim of sexual abuse herself, Jessa Duggar is reportedly perpetuating that message by offering a girls-only course on the importance of modest attire.

Jessa is scheduled to give a speech at the Middletown Ladies Retreat in Ohio next week, and a puzzling description of the event is stirring up some serious controversy online.

According to the retreat’s website, Jessa will give an address entitled “Fashionably Modest.”

Men and girls under the age of 9 will not be permitted to attend.

Jessa’s speech will be co-sponsored by the Advanced Training Institute, the group that authored the controversial teaching manuals that went public in 2015.

Many believe that Jessa’s speech will entail more than just fashion and will delve into the “consequences” of dressing immodestly, which would explain why men and young girls are expressly banned from the event.

Interestingly, a page promoting the event on the All Events website has been removed without explanation.

There’s been speculation that Jessa has decided to quietly cancel the event in response to growing controversy.

At this point, however, the 24-year-old mother of two has offered no comment on the situation.

We’ll have further details on this developing story as more information becomes available.
