Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Lawyer Responds to Gay Prison Lover Reports

On April 19, former New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez was found dead in his cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Lancaster, Massachusetts.

He was just 27 years old.

As more details emerge about the tragic life and death of Aaron Hernandez, the mystery of his decision to take his own life only deepens.

Early in the investigation it was revealed that Hernandez had scrawled a Bible passage on his forehead in blood.

Authorities later corrected that report, clarifying that what was thought to be blood was actually red ink, which was also used to create the appearance of stigmata-like wounds on Hernandez’s hands and feet.

Blood was reportedly used to create an unfinished pyramid drawing and write the word “Illuminati” in all-capital letters on the wall of Hernandez’s cell.

Adding to the mystery is the fact that Hernandez was acquitted on double murder charges just days before his suicide.

The 27-year-old was still serving a life sentence for the murder of Odin Lloyd, but the acquittal improved his odds that he would be able to successfully appeal the conviction.

For obvious reasons, the public interest in Hernandez’s bizarre death has been considerable, and one of the most obsessed-over details is the fact that Hernandez left three suicide notes for authorities to find in his cell.

One was addressed to Hernandez’s daughter, another to the the girl’s mother, and a third to a fellow inmate who is believed to be Hernandez’s gay lover.

The man has now been identified as Kyle Kennedy, but he has reportedly declined to comment on the nature of his relationship with Hernandez.

Now, Hernandez’s attorney, Jose Baez, is speaking out on his late client’s behalf and insisting that there is no truth to the rumors of a romantic relationship between Hernandez and Kennedy.

Baez did not say who the third letter was addressed to, but in a statement issued today, he claimed that there is no truth to the rumors that Hernandez was involved in a homosexual relationship:

“Rumors of letters to a gay lover, in or out of prison, are false,” says Baez.

“These are malicious leaks used to tarnish somebody who is dead.”

Asked by TMZ Sports if he still believes foul play may have been involved in Hernandez’s death, Baez replied:

“There is still plenty we are investigating.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.
