Friday, April 14, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Mom Debra Danielsen DESTROYS Teen Mom Stars!

As much as we like to imagine that Farrah Abraham isn’t an actual human being but perhaps an alien experiment meant to test how dumb an organism can be while still surviving, it’s simply not true.

She’s a person, just like the rest of us, as tough a pill as that may be to swallow.

And, like many of us, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree — yep, Farrah’s just a product of her insane, delusional family.

If you had any doubt at all about that, then all you have to do is sit back, relax, and check out this new interview with Debra Danielsen, the woman responsible for birthing Farrah.

It’s an eye-opener, that’s for sure.

Debra randomly appeared on a Facebook Live video with some website, and she answered tons of questions about Teen Mom OG.

For instance, while talking about some “mind-blowing” things that go down in the new season of the show, she referred to Farrah as “the most gorgeous one” of all the moms, and the “most talented,” too.

Girl. Stop.

She did say that we’ll see a lot of growth in terms of her troubled relationship with Farrah, and though they may fight, they still always love each other at the end of the day.

She describes what filming is like for a bit — sometimes they’re asked to re-film things that the cameras missed, but everything that goes down is always rooted in reality.

She also touches on her rap career, bless her heart, and mentions there’s a new video coming out soon!

But then we finally get to the good stuff.

Debra’s friendly interviewers decide to play a game in which they hold up a photo of someone, then Debra shares a special message for that person.

First, they show a photo of Jenelle Evans, to which Debra says “I would advise Jenelle to reset her priorities in life. Just sayin’.”

For beloved Barbara, Jenelle’s mother, Debra reveals that Teen Mom crew members told her that she’d been saying mean things about Farrah, so she simply said “don’t do that anymore.”

(Real quick: can we get a Debra Danielsen vs. Barbara Evans cage match sometime? A Teen Mom special, perhaps?)

Next up is Catelynn Lowell, who Debra called “two-faced.”

When she’s shown a photo of Simon Saran, she simply says “Oh dear god,” then took his photo and put it on the table, saying “This is like RIP.”

Good ol’ Deb gets really nasty for Maci Bookout, to which she advises “Maci, well, I would recommend that if we’re gonna get pregnant anymore, we cut back on the beer consumption.”

Last up is Amber Portwood. And while you’d think Debra would have the harshest words for her, since she’s the one who took a swing at her daughter last year, she’s surprisingly pretty kind.

“I’m actually very proud of Amber,” Debra says. “I think she works really hard. I think she’s been through a lot in her life that would cause anybody tremendous pain. But I think she’s an overcomer.”

We’ll give her this: she may have her own issues, and she may be out of line with some of her comments, but she’s more gracious and reasonable than Farrah ever thought about being.
