Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Devastated By Cellulite Pics?

At this point in her career, Kim Kardashian bikini photos aren’t exactly headline-grabbers.

After all, it was the Kim Kardashian sex tape that brought her to fame, and in the decade since that cinematic classic first hit the web, we’ve seen Kim in just about every state of undress imaginable.

Of course, as with most celebs who like to strip down, Kim carefully curates her online skip pic collection, and most of the photos that make it to the posting stage have been at least mildly retouched.

This week, however, some candid shots of Kim in a revealing bikini made their way online and the Mrs. Kardashian-West is reportedly less than thrilled with the reaction.

Radar Online has the images that have cruelly been dubbed the “Kim cellulite pics” and the reaction from online trolls has been predictably swift and brutal.

“UGLY. VOMITING,” wrote one horrendous person on Twitter.

“Kim Kardashian a** look gross in a bikini and not being photoshopped lol,” another basement-dweller tweeted.

“Kim is really upset about what people are saying,” a source close to the Kardashian family tells Radar.

Kim is obviously no stranger to the cruelest of criticism, but insiders say that after the difficult year she’s had, she’s been particularly vulnerable to this sort of attack.

“This was a huge eye opener for her, she sees that SO many people are so vicious and it has really hurt her feelings,” says the insider.

“Kim is crushed that people are being so mean to her about the cellulite on her butt.”

Fortunately, on social media at least, Kim has been taking the onslaught in stride.

Tweeting about her beach vacation earlier this week, the mother of two wrote:

“Oh and as for me you ask?…I’m just sitting here on the beach with my flawless body.”

Yes, at the end of the day, Kim is chilling on exotic beach, while her haters are hastily wiping the Arby’s cheese sauce from their fingers so they can tap out a few hateful comments before their 15 minute break is over.

We’re gonna go ahead and hand the W to Kim on this one.
