Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Heather Morris and Maksim Chmerkovskiy on Dancing With the Stars Elimination: We Got F--ked!

Heather Morris and Maksim Chmerkovskiy are speaking out on this week’s stunning Dancing With the Stars results, and they’re pissed.

Sure, they’re a little bit more diplomatic about it than we might be, but it’s abundantly clear they agree with the Internet on this assessment:

They got f–ked!

In what was arguably the most shocking, and dubious, ouster in the 24-season history of Dancing With the Stars, Heather and Maks are out.

After they turned in a perfect score – the only one of the season, no less – and all the men were arbitrarily declared safe ahead of time.

It made literally no sense on any level, calling into question why the results don’t factor in routines we just watched 20 MINUTES EARLIER.

Moreover, why was there a men vs. women dance-off in the first place if one side already “won” ahead of time (they obviously lost on points)?

Totally ridiculous and unfair.

Maks and Heather aren’t offering up sound bites as candid as that, but in speaking with ET, they’re were still surprised about the outcome.

“Well, I mean we’ve had a few [surprising upsets],” Maks said.

“[It’s been] 24 seasons of the show … [but] I just never thought that that one of my [partners] was going to be a part of that shock.”

“Brandy [Norwood] and I didn’t make the final [in season 11] when I thought she was one of the best dancers that season.”

“Even [that] wasn’t as shocking as this. This is crazy.”

Chmerkovskiy was truly baffled by the elimination, saying that it was “so wrong, in terms of [dancing talent],” that it was “almost OK.”

That’s a glass-half-full attitude for you: Dancing With the Stars’ results system is now such a joke that you can’t even get upset about it.

It has to sting, though, especially under the circumstances.

After missing several weeks due to injury, Maks returned Monday night and dominated with Heather in a sultry rumba set to TLC’s “Waterfalls.”

The captivating, film noir-themed routine earned them roars from the crowd, raves from the judges and a perfect score: 40 out of 40.

Yet Nick Viall remains on the show and they don’t.

Morris, the former Glee star and Beyonce backup dancer, said she always prepares herself for the reality that she could get eliminated.

“I feel like, [as] with any show that you watch on TV, it’s like, you don’t really know what’s coming next,” Morris shared, taking the high road. 

“I was kinda preparing for anything that could happen. So it was like, ‘OK, if this is going to happen, let’s just be positive and go out the right way.”

According to Morris, the part of their elimination that made her sad is the fact that “we all want to see [Chmerkovskiy] dance again.” 

Even then, she’s exiting stage left without a parting shot:

“Everybody is so fantastic and welcoming, [so] it was like, nice to [know] that I’m saying goodbye, but I’m also going to see these people again.”

Maks doesn’t quite share that same sense of Zen.

“I’m pissed,” he admitted, though he concurred.

“[But] it’s not the last time [Heather Morris and I] will be doing stuff together and, you know, I’m looking forward to when that happens.”

What do you think? Was this robbery the biggest stunner in DWTS history, or were some of these previous elimination shockers worse?
