Monday, April 10, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: When it Rains, it Pours

Last night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 13 Episode 5, Kim Kardashian decided it was time to return to the public eye.

Of course, in the life of this celebrity, these decisions are constantly in flux as one crisis after another seems to keep to hampering her.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’re well aware of the show’s emphasis on Kim’s armed robbery this season.

As emotional as that storyline was, the sharp pivot to Kim Kardashian’s third pregnancy – or lack thereof – was even more dramatic.

Girl is putting in WORK lately.

Well, we’ve now reached yet another crisis for the show’s #1 draw, as she decided to make her first public appearance since the robbery.

Naturally, at Kanye’s concert, where she felt overwhelmed by the pressure of people looking to her, wondering if the trauma was affecting her.

Clearly, she wasn’t ready.

Anxious and overthinking her every move, Kim went backstage and later decided she didn’t want to attend an event honoring her late father.

Momager Kris Jenner said it would be strange if Kim missed that of all things, but she wasn’t sure she could handle going out in public.

Speaking of uncomfortable public outings, Caitlyn Jenner and Khloe Kardashian were still at odds at Kendall Jenner’s birthday party.

The former Olympic standout’s treatment of Kris during her transition from Bruce to Cait is something that Khloe took harder than most.

After an awkward moment or 20, they talked it out and Cait understood while Khloe felt the way that she did about her entire transition.

As Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna welcomed baby Dream Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick rushed to the hospital.

Brings back the memories for them, doesn’t it?

In Chyna’s hospital room, Scott and Kourtney told people they were going to Mexico together, like any broken-up couple does, right?

Khloe and Kim felt that Scott and Kourtney were getting back together; Scott even told Khloe that he and Kourtney were making progress.

Short-lived, maybe. Kourtney soon told an unflattering story about his behavior, after which he marched off, calling the trip “f–king worthless.”

Vintage Lord.

Later, he quietly admitted he will never get over Kourtney, and that with their history and children together, it’s very hard to move forward.

For her part … Kourtney said they fought the whole time in Mexico was annoyed that Scott was “romanticizing” how it went. Which is it?

With Kourtney and Scott, truth is often stranger than fiction, and the lines are usually blurred when it comes to love and hate. So good luck.

At the end of the episode, we saw Kanye walk off stage during a Sacramento show; West was admitted to a hospital a few days later.

Kim went with Kris and Kourtney after all to the Big Apple for the event that would honor Robert, but she left before the event took place.

In her New York City hotel, she received a phone call from a friend of Kanye’s, who told her something that made her bawl on the spot.

Obviously, we know what it was.

Despite the big “to be continued” plastered on screen by the producers, it can only be the hospitalization of ‘Ye to make her react like that.
