Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Casey Anthony Drowning Theory Slammed By Father: What a Bunch of Crap!

The finale of Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery raised many questions, ones all too familiar to those versed in the true crime saga.

Ever since she was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old child, Caylee, on July 5, 2011, Casey has continued to fascinate the public.

If the police’s prime suspect, who was widely presumed guilty in the court of public opinion, didn’t do it, then who killed Caylee Anthony?

And regardless of the guilty party, how did she die?

George Anthony, the father of Casey and grandfather of Caylee, shared his personal theory in the final episode of the Discovery TV event.

He disputed the defense’s theory that Caylee Anthony drowned accidentally while unsupervised in the family swimming pool in 2008.

“I don’t believe (the drowning explanation). That’s a bunch of bull to me,” he explained. “That’s too easy of a story to bring up.”

“‘Cause if that would’ve happened, I think my daughter would’ve at least had the decency or common sense inside to call 911 and say something.”

“That’s a bunch of crap,” he said.

George, who was also the target of sexual allegations during the infamous trial, shared his own loosely-formed theory about her demise.

He alleged that there were occurrences when Caylee would sleep for long lengths of time – up to 13 hours – which raised his suspicions.

“I believe (Casey Anthony) gave (Caylee) something, yeah. I mean, that’s just my beliefs,” he said, claiming she had access to drugs.

Referencing Xanax in particular, when asked for the prescription drug’s street name, George – himself a former cop – replied “Zanny.”

“Zanny the Nanny” was an alias used for Zenaida Gonzalez, the name of Caylee’s alleged babysitter and abductor according to Casey.

Casey’s story was not backed by police, and she was ultimately convicted of making false statements, and released with time served.

In any event, “I believe Casey gave (Caylee) something,” George said about the little girl’s death, adding “Caylee didn’t wake up.”

Meanwhile, Casey’s mom Cindy called her daughter “the light of our lives” and says she actually agrees with the defense theory.

“I don’t know what distracted her or what happened,” she said, “but, as far as being responsible I feel like it was an accident.”

She believes that Casey’s lies to police were not justified, but on some level can be explained as a way to deal with the tragedy.

“Emotionally, something happened to her when she realized her child had died, that she couldn’t cope with that,” she said.

“And, she panicked, and I think that happens to a lot of people that sometimes you’re worried that someone’s not going to believe you.”

Because of that, “you try to make it look like something else.”

George and Cindy say they do not let the case divide them, despite being diametrically opposed in their perception of what took place.

Cindy said that she and Casey “talk from time,” but George has not kept in touch with his daughter in the aftermath of her trial and release.

“Whatever life she has, I hope she makes something positive for it. Am I ever gonna speak to my daughter again? No. We’re done.”

“I lost my daughter and my granddaughter. I lost them both.”

There is no love lost, either, at least on his end.

Lest we were at all unclear, George Anthony said that justice would have Casey “behind bars and have her suffer like Caylee suffered.”

Discovery did not receive comments from Casey – who says she sleeps well and has no clue how Caylee died – regarding the docuseries.
