Showing posts with label Drowning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drowning. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Former NHL Goalie Ray Emery Dead at 35 from Apparent Drowning

Former NHL goalie Ray Emery died this weekend from an apparent drowning.  Emery was reportedly swimming Sunday at the Royal Hamilton Yacht Club in Ontario, where police say his body was discovered after an early morning swim near the docks.…


Former NHL Goalie Ray Emery Dead at 35 from Apparent Drowning

Former NHL goalie Ray Emery died this weekend from an apparent drowning.  Emery was reportedly swimming Sunday at the Royal Hamilton Yacht Club in Ontario, where police say his body was discovered after an early morning swim near the docks.…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

7-Year-Old Saves Toddler From Drowning

When a toddler slipped into a family pool, only his 7-year-old brother noticed.

Still a child himself, he rushed to help without hesitation.

And the entire story, from the near-tragedy to the heroic rescue, was caught on video for the world to see!

Pool rescue 01

At a private residence in Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil, a little boy fell into his family"s swimming pool.

Almost no one heard anything. But one person leapt into action.

His heroic rescuer was not a lifeguard or parent or even an adult. He was a child himself at only 7 years old.

As his aunt explained when she posted the video that you"ll see below, he raced to rescue his toddler brother.

Anyone who grew up as an older sibling will understand how powerful the instinct to protect your younger sibling can be.

In this case, there is no doubt that he saved his brother"s life.

Pool rescue 02

The aunt writes:

"My 7-year-old nephew was drawing and heard the noise in the pool."

As you"ll see in the video, he quickly sprang into action.

"He had the most incredible reaction for a child of 7 years."

And it"s so fortunate that he did.

"Neither I nor my sister heard the noise just the desperate cries of my nephew."

Because this is what had happened to the precious little toddler.

Pool rescue 03

As you will see in the video, it looks like he wanders off in a matter of seconds.

Young children have short attention spans and a lot of energy. A moment taken to look for something in the refrigerator or answer a phone call is all that it takes for a child to vanish.

Most of the time, you"ll just find them playing with a toy or trying to get a coveted snack.

If you have something as potentially dangerous as a pool, however, all that it takes is a few seconds for the child to wander off and a few minutes of not being able to find them for that misstep to be fatal.

As you can see, it appears that the toddler reaches for something but, being a toddler, slips into the pool without making much noise.

Within seconds, his 7-year-old brother is there to save the day.

Pool rescue 04

The brother even makes sure that his little sibling is the first out of the pool.

They then go and tell a bewildered adult what has happened.

It is worth noting that one of the problems in this situation is the diaper.

Children do not psychically know how to swim (let"s not weigh into the water birth debate right now, please), but survival instincts can help some children figure it out really quickly.

That said, diapers can act as flotation devices, preventing a baby or toddler from getting their face above water.

Toddlers who fall into pools with a diaper on are at extreme risk.

Pool rescue 05

The aunt of these two children shared the video as a warning to other parents.

But also because the 7-year-old"s heroics deserve praise.

He did what any older sibling would do in a heartbeat, but he deserves recognition for that.

Take a look at the full video below to see just how quickly things can go wrong.

And also how quickly things can go right.

7 year old saves toddler from drowning

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Chester Bennington Hog-Tied in Drowning Attempt, Redacted in Autopsy Report

Chester Bennington got extremely drunk, hog-tied himself and threw himself into his swimming pool in a suicide attempt 9 months before he hanged himself — something the L.A. County Coroner knew — yet it was redacted from the autopsy report.…


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Producer Joel Silver Sued By Family of Personal Assistant in Cocaine Drowning Death at Jennifer Aniston"s Honeymoon Celebration

Famed producer Joel Silver is being sued over a drowning at Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux’s honeymoon celebration. The family of Carmel Musgrove, Silver’s personal assistant, claim in the lawsuit, Silver flew Carmel and others to the Four…


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Scott Disick Drowning in Alcohol and Needs Rehab, Friends Say

Scott Disick’s hitting the bottle HARD again and his friends think he’s so far gone the only solution is rehab. Our Scott sources tell us he’s been in a downward spiral since learning baby mama Kourtney Kardashian is banging 23-year-old…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Demi Moore Sued in Swimming Pool Drowning Death

Demi Moore has been sued — belatedly — over a death in the actress’ pool 2 years ago. TMZ broke the story … Demi was out of town when her caretaker threw a party for a small group. Most of them left to go out at some point in the evening, and…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Casey Anthony Drowning Theory Slammed By Father: What a Bunch of Crap!

The finale of Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery raised many questions, ones all too familiar to those versed in the true crime saga.

Ever since she was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old child, Caylee, on July 5, 2011, Casey has continued to fascinate the public.

If the police’s prime suspect, who was widely presumed guilty in the court of public opinion, didn’t do it, then who killed Caylee Anthony?

And regardless of the guilty party, how did she die?

George Anthony, the father of Casey and grandfather of Caylee, shared his personal theory in the final episode of the Discovery TV event.

He disputed the defense’s theory that Caylee Anthony drowned accidentally while unsupervised in the family swimming pool in 2008.

“I don’t believe (the drowning explanation). That’s a bunch of bull to me,” he explained. “That’s too easy of a story to bring up.”

“‘Cause if that would’ve happened, I think my daughter would’ve at least had the decency or common sense inside to call 911 and say something.”

“That’s a bunch of crap,” he said.

George, who was also the target of sexual allegations during the infamous trial, shared his own loosely-formed theory about her demise.

He alleged that there were occurrences when Caylee would sleep for long lengths of time – up to 13 hours – which raised his suspicions.

“I believe (Casey Anthony) gave (Caylee) something, yeah. I mean, that’s just my beliefs,” he said, claiming she had access to drugs.

Referencing Xanax in particular, when asked for the prescription drug’s street name, George – himself a former cop – replied “Zanny.”

“Zanny the Nanny” was an alias used for Zenaida Gonzalez, the name of Caylee’s alleged babysitter and abductor according to Casey.

Casey’s story was not backed by police, and she was ultimately convicted of making false statements, and released with time served.

In any event, “I believe Casey gave (Caylee) something,” George said about the little girl’s death, adding “Caylee didn’t wake up.”

Meanwhile, Casey’s mom Cindy called her daughter “the light of our lives” and says she actually agrees with the defense theory.

“I don’t know what distracted her or what happened,” she said, “but, as far as being responsible I feel like it was an accident.”

She believes that Casey’s lies to police were not justified, but on some level can be explained as a way to deal with the tragedy.

“Emotionally, something happened to her when she realized her child had died, that she couldn’t cope with that,” she said.

“And, she panicked, and I think that happens to a lot of people that sometimes you’re worried that someone’s not going to believe you.”

Because of that, “you try to make it look like something else.”

George and Cindy say they do not let the case divide them, despite being diametrically opposed in their perception of what took place.

Cindy said that she and Casey “talk from time,” but George has not kept in touch with his daughter in the aftermath of her trial and release.

“Whatever life she has, I hope she makes something positive for it. Am I ever gonna speak to my daughter again? No. We’re done.”

“I lost my daughter and my granddaughter. I lost them both.”

There is no love lost, either, at least on his end.

Lest we were at all unclear, George Anthony said that justice would have Casey “behind bars and have her suffer like Caylee suffered.”

Discovery did not receive comments from Casey – who says she sleeps well and has no clue how Caylee died – regarding the docuseries.
