Thursday, April 13, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: Dead to the Kardashians After O.J. Simpson Comments?!

If Caitlyn Jenner had any interest at all in rebuilding her relationship with the Kardashian sisters … well, she made the wrong move with her new tell-all.

Her book, we imagined, would be all about her journey as a transgender woman, because surely there’s more than enough material for a book in that, right?

But it turns out that she’s also bringing her former family into the mix.

And while that may be good for sales, it’s certainly not good for, you know, real life.

As we saw earlier this week, there’s one section of the book in which Caitlyn discusses Robert Kardashian, Kris Jenner’s ex-husband and the man who fathered Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, and Rob.

Specifically, she talks about Robert Kardashian’s role on O.J. Simpson’s legal team during his infamous murder trial.

She claims that she heard Robert say “I would have been okay with it if they had gotten him in the first trial,” and she added “The implication was obvious that he believed O.J. was guilty.”

Caitlyn then theorizes that perhaps Robert helped O.J. get off to get back at Kris, who was very close with Nicole Brown Simpson.

“I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big f-ck you,” she wrote.

OK, so obviously those aren’t great things to say, right?

Robert Kardashian was, by all accounts, a truly amazing man, and besides, he’s been dead for several years now.

So for Caitlyn to pop up now and throw him under the bus like this, to put the notion out there that perhaps he helped O.J. Simpson get away with murder as a way of hurting Kris?

It’s actually pretty disgusting.

And it makes perfect sense that, according to a new report from Radar Online, the Kardashian sisters are completely done with Caitlyn.

“They feel like Caitlyn had no right to talk about their dead father Robert,” a source says.

“Any relationship that Caitlyn had with Kim, Khloe and Kourtney is going to be completely gone now!”

It’s sad because, as we’ve seen on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe was just beginning to mend her strained relationship with Caitlyn.

However, as the source explains, “The Kardashian girls have a very high tolerance for bullsh-t, but where they draw the line is when anyone talks bad about their dad.”

“Who does Caitlyn think she is? It’s her own fault she is no longer on good terms with anyone in that family and then she goes and sells them out to sell copies of her book.”

As the source ominously concludes, “This is not going to end well at all.”

And we’re sure that countless cameras will be waiting to document that ending.
