Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Lorraine Gilles: See! I Was Melanie Brown’s Consensual Lover!

Lorraine Gilles is sticking to her word after claiming that she and Melanie Brown engaged in a seven-year sexual relationship

Her latest effort comes in the form of some pictures that apparently implicate Melanie Brown as being Lorraine’s lover. 

Gilles uploaded the pictures to Pinterest, because, apparently that is the best source for information for a lawsuit.

We are not kidding; she apparently used the below pictures in the defamation suit. 

The above picture looks like a friendly enough picture to friends would take together. Right? I mean, it looks like one of those pictures you would see women sharing on social media at the weekend. 

Nothing from it screams that they were in a relationship, so there’s that. 

The below picture does nothing to help Lorraine’s case, either. 

Yet again, it’s a picture that could have been taken under the most sincere of circumstances. All of this seems like it won’t stand up in court. 

I mean, there is every possibility that Lorraine has other evidence she’s keeping out of the public eye, but so far, we’re not quite buying the story. 

Ever since it was announced that Mel B was divorcing from Stephen Belafonte, the couple has been embroiled in a very public feud. Mel B even speculated that her former nanny had joined forces with her Belafonte to drag her name through the mud and extort her. 

In the midst of the divorce, it has been alleged that Belafonte has a sex tape of himself, Mel B and Gilles. Mel B even claimed in court that Gilles was under Belafonte’s payroll and was basically hired as a sex worker. 

Gilles seemed to think she had little choice in the matter, and the suit alleges that Mel “seduced a naive and a curious 18-year-old foreign exchange student … with alcohol, fame, and casual sex.”

Gilles claims, her “sexual and employment relationship with Brown continued for approximately seven years.”

Um, okay then. 

This is one feud we’re likely going to be hearing about for quite some time, but what will be the next big revelation? 

We have no idea, but we’re intrigued. 
