Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Kendall Jenner Shades Her Sisters: I"m Nothing Like You!!!

Note to Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian:

You may want to duck right about now.

Because Kendall Jenner just hurled some pretty serious shade in your direction.

In the May issue of Harper’s Bazaar, the 21-year old opens up about father Caitlyn Jenner and how she shares more similarities than people realize with the transgender icon.

Specifically, Kendall explains how she doesn’t crave the spotlight or attention, a trait she thinks she “[gets] from [her] dad” and something that distinguishes her from her famous siblings.

“I mean, I’m a girl and I like being a girl, but I’ve just never been into it like they have,” she says of Kendall, Khloe and Kim.

“I think I get that from my dad. I’d say I’m more of a Jenner than a Kardashian.”

Ouch, huh?

This isn’t the first time Jenner has emphasized her last name over that of her half-sisters.

She’s made it pretty clear over the last couple years that she doesn’t want to be thought of alone the same lines as Kim and company.

Jenner talks in this feature story about how she’s the most private member of her globally known family.

“More than the rest of my family, I guess,” she says. “Just ‘cause I think it’s powerful. Plus, I think people always want what they can’t have.

“It’s nice to have some mystery.”

Clearly, this is a philosophy not shared by Kendall’s full sister, Kylie Jenner, who has made no real attempt to do anything with her professional life aside from pose for revealing Instagram photos.

(No, we are not about to give Kylie herself any credit for Kylie Cosmetics.)

Does it bother Kendall that a Kylie Jenner reality show is on the way? That her sibling appears to aspiring to the throne of Main Money Maker in the family?

Not really.

Kendall has become a successful model in her own right.

And she clearly takes pride in her profession; she isn’t doing it simply for fame or a big salary.

Jenner, of course, recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons, appearing in a Pepsi ad that was slammed for being tone deaf and racially insensitive.

This interview was conducted prior to Pepsi pulling this controversial commercial, meaning Kendall doesn’t comment on the scandal anywhere in the cover piece.

But she does touch on one aspect of her universe that she can’t escape, one annoyance that comes along with being a household name:

Speculation over her love life.

Over the years, Kendall has been linked to Harry Styles, rapper A$ AP Rocky and Los Angeles Lakers player Jordan Clarkson, among others.

Have any of the rumors been accurate?

Jenner will simply say the following:

“I’m not marrying anyone. I’m not engaged. There’s nothing long-term of serious like that in my life.

“If I’m not fully, fully in it with someone, why would I make it public to everyone else? If I don’t even know what it is, why would I let the world know?”

Because it would be fun for us to write about and for fans to debate?

Okay, fine. You got us.

There’s no real logic behind making every aspect of your private life into a matter for public discourse.

We actually give Kendall props for taking this point of view.

She just may want to pass it along to her sisters.
