Thursday, April 20, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Photos Are Here!

Sigh. It"s just not April without incest, beheadings, and sassy eunuchs.

But sadly, production issues have forced the premiere of Game of Thrones Season 7 to be pushed back until July 16.

Fortunately, summer is coming (eventually), and with it, the promise of more wacky shenanigans from our favorite power-hungry, bloodthirsty aspiring despots.

(Feel free to fill in your own joke about the Trump administration here.)

Check out the first official photos from GoT Season 7 in the gallery below, and watch Game of Thrones online if you"re somehow not caught up.

You can"t expect your friends to keep allowing you to live a spoiler-free existence forever!

1. Daenerys in Westeros!

Daenerys in westeros

Dany has arrived on the other side of the Narrow Sea. We get the feeling the Lannisters fortunes are about to take a turn for the worse.

2. Jon Snow Fo’ Sho’

Jon snow fo sho

Jon Snow still looks like he’s in deep thought at all times. It’s not easy beng the King in the North.

3. Arya Looking Sinister

Arya looking sinister

It looks like Arya is still on the scene of the murder of Walder Frey. We know revenge can make you hungry, but hopefully she won’t eat the pie.

4. Lyanna Mormont Is Back!

Lyanna mormont is back

Can we just get Lyanna her own spinoff or talk show or something? We didn’t think it was possible, but she’s too badass for GoT.

5. Davos Seaworth: Still Grizzled

Davos seaworth still grizzled

Davos Seaworth is still doling out advice. More importantly, he’s still rocking a beard like he invented facial hair.

6. Essos in the West

Essos in the west

Dany’s motley crew is ready to kick some ass in the West. The Seven Kingdoms won’t know what hit ‘em.

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