Saturday, April 1, 2017

Mama June: See Her FINAL Weight Loss Reveal!!!

Before we get started, you might want to have a seat somewhere comfortable, take a few moments to collect yourself, and perhaps fetch some smelling salts or phone a friend, because this right here is going to leave you weak.

Last night, the finale of Mama June: From Not to Hot aired. And you know what that means?

It means that now know what June looks like as a size four, without her "turkey neck" and "bat wings" and with all the rest of her extra skin removed.

And she looks incredible.

In this clip from the show, Mama June explains that she"s worked her ass off — literally, y"all, you"ll see — and "now it"s like everything"s coming full circle."

"I"m becoming the person on the outside that I felt like it was on the inside."

Well, those are the words she says, but we"re pretty sure you"re not going to be listening.

She"s still Mama June, don"t get us wrong — there"s that thick Georgia accent, that same trademark June attitude, and she"s still responsible for unleashing Honey Boo Boo on the world.

And, you know, there was that whole "dating a child molester" thing.

But while we"ll never be Mama June"s biggest fans, there"s no denying that she put in a ton of work to get where she is today.

There"s also no denying that she looks phenomenal.

Check out Mama June"s brand new look in the clip below:

Mama june see her final weight loss reveal