Monday, April 17, 2017

Kris Jenner: Drunk and Alone on Easter?

When we first learned that Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble have broken up, it didn’t come as much of a shock.

After all, Corey was just Kris’ rebound after her divorce from Caitlyn Jenner.

He’s nearly 30 years her junior and two or three tax brackets beneath her.

The whole thing seemed doomed from the start.

In fact, it seems the only one who’s surprised things didn’t work out between Corey Gamble and Kris Jenner – is Kris Jenner.

According to Radar Online, the breakup started out amicably, but has taken a turn for the bitter in recent days.

Yesterday, the family gathered at Kris’ house to celebrate Easter, and while it was originally planned that Corey would attend the festivities for the sake of Kris’ grandkids, he wound up being a no-show. 

“Corey did not want to be grilled by the family, and wanted no part in Kim’s get together,” a source close to the family tells Radar.

One insider reports that Kris “was chugging wine and champagne yesterday, and the family is really worried about her.”

Of course Kris might’ve been hitting the bottle for any number of reasons.

She’s got a lot on her plate these days, not the least of which is the fact that it’s looking more and more like Keeping Up With the Kardashians might be canceled due to declining ratings.

“They feel that the breakup and bombing KUWTK ratings are going to push her over the edge,” says the source.

Obviously, the Kard clan doesn’t need the money these days, but Kris reportedly still sees the show as the foundation of the family empire, and insiders say she’ll be deeply embarrassed and consider it a personal failure if the series gets axed.

On top of all that, Kris is reportedly struggling to cope with the fallout from the first excerpts of Caitlyn Jenner’s memoir, set to his bookstores next week.

In the book, Caitlyn claims that Kris knew she was trans from the start of their relationship and essentially forced her to spend two decades in the closet.

Kris says it’s all BS, but even if she’s telling the truth, she’ll have a hard time proving it.

Basically, Kris has ample reason to knock a few back these days.

So raise a glass to the OG momager and be grateful that your career wasn’t launched by your daughter’s sex tape.
