Friday, May 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans Custody Deal Revealed: What CAN"T She Do In Front of Jace?

Earlier this week, we learned that Jenelle Evans did not get full custody of her son Jace in her seemingly endless legal battle against her mother, Barbara Evans.

Insiders say the judge’s decision was a crushing blow to Jenelle, who has been struggling to obtain primary legal custody of the boy for the majority of his life.

Jenelle’s always talked a big game about taking Jace away from the only parental figure he’s ever known, but for the first time in his young life, she has no pending charges against her, and this time, it looked like she might actually be in a position to do it.

Jenelle is engaged to David Eason; she’s successfully raising two other children; and she’s accused her mother of holding onto custody of Jace for financial reasons, all of which were expected to factor into the court’s decision.

But even with all that in her favor, Jenelle still wasn’t able to convince a judge that she’s able to provide a stable home life for the boy that she surrendered to her mother when he was just a few months old.

In fact, the court has placed several new restrictions on Jenelle as a result of her recent behavior.

Though to be fair, Barbara is bound by the new rules as well.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, the judge issued a set of guidelines for both women to govern not only their behavior, but the activities of those whom they allow around Jace:

– “They are not allowed to use illegal drugs (including marijuana), or let anyone else around them use illegal drugs around Jace. In addition, they can’t be under the influence (or have anyone around them who is under the influence with them) while they are with Jace,” reads one decree.

(We can’t help but think that one’s directed squarely at Jenelle.

– Also, “They can not drink excessively while Jace is present, nor can they allow others to be drunk around Jace.”

– “They can not change their phone numbers or move without letting the other know. Also, if they take Jace out of the county, they have to let the other know where he will be.”

– “The only people who are allowed to physically discipline Jace are Barbara and Jenelle. The agreement specifically states that no one else may do so.”

And finally:

– “Neither woman can restrict the other from having access to Jace’s school, medical or other important records.”

Additionally, the agreement outlines, for the first time, a plan for saving and meting out money that Jace has made (and will make) for his time on Teen Mom 2.

So while his childhood may have been endlessly tumultuous, at least he’ll be well cared for as an adult.
