Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Jeremy Calvert: Brooke Wehr Wouldn"t Let Me See My Daughter!

Back in January, Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr broke up after indicating on social media that they’d been having problems for several months.

Amazingly, they got back together a few weeks later … only to call it quits again shortly thereafter.

This time, Brooke claims, the problem was that Jeremy had cheated on her with Teen Mom 2 producer Mandi Venturino.

These days, there are fans who believe Jeremy’s infidelity was more rampant than Brooke realized, and that he was also cheating on Wehr with Leah Messer.

Now, Jeremy is finally admitting that a big part of the reason he decided to call it quits with Wehr is because she was interfering with his relationship with the most important female in his life – his daughter, Adalynn “Addie” Faith.

Wehr had previously been accused of preventing Calvert from his seeing his daughter, and now he’s revealing that the situation was even worse than fans had previously thought.

Jeremy posted a photo of his daughter last night, along with a caption claiming there were times when Brooke wouldn’t even allow him to receive photos of Addie:

“When [your] ex-wife sends you pics of [your] child…now [a] days that’s not allowed if [you’re] dating someone,” Calvert wrote in the now-deleted post.

“I feel horrible, I should have pulled my head out of my ass and stood up for myself and my child. But [thank] God I did before it was [too] late to do so.”

He added:

“Addie will always come before any woman I settle down with from now on. She will be there for me when others won’t be.”

Fans who watch Teen Mom 2 online will recall that last season featured several instances in which Leah was brought to tears by Calvert’s apparent neglect of his daughter.

Now, he claims that he was merely responding to demands from Wehr.

We suppose it’s an encouraging sign that he accepts blame for his willingness to exert such power over him, but the explanation still smacks of finger-pointing.

We suppose the best indication of how sincere Jeremy is in his desire to be a bigger part of his daughter’s life will be how he behaves now that he’s free of Wehr’s influence.
