Sunday, May 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Graduates College, Becomes First Teen Mom to Do So!

Kailyn Lowry gets a lot of hate, and honestly, some of it is justified.

She can be cold, almost cruel, and she’s made some questionable life choices, there’s no doubt about that — but today, we’re not going to focus on the negative.

Today, we’re going to congratulate her for graduating college.

Yesterday, Kailyn graduated from Delaware State University with a bachelor’s degree in mass communications.

Pretty amazing, right?

Kailyn just turned 25, and she’s got two kids and is heavily pregnant with her third, so for her to earn her degree is honestly super impressive.

Not to mention the fact that, as of now, she’s the only Teen Mom with a bachelor’s degree.

Not too shabby for one of the most hated members of the franchise.

Kailyn has been very excited about her achievement, and understandably so.

She’s been sharing lots of pictures from yesterday, including a photo of herself in full graduation garb.

And an especially sweet one of her two sons, Isaac and Lincoln, at the ceremony, holding gifts for their mom.

In a blog she posted a couple of weeks ago, she wrote that she’d “been struggling to get through school and earn my bachelor’s over the last 6 years … Yes, 6 years.”

“Between teen motherhood, financial hurdles in the beginning, then moving to a new state, marriage, babies and divorce …”

“And then of course just wanting to give up, I (barely) held on and I’m FINALLY graduation May 13!”

She added that it’s been “an extremely long and emotional road for me and for my family.”

Earlier this week, she gave an interview explaining more about the struggle to graduate.

“It’s been a long and emotional journey,” she said, “especially without any support from my parents. But I’m so happy and relieved!”

Kailyn also revealed in that interview that after she gets her bachelor’s degree, she’ll move on to grad school.

So not only will she be the first Teen Mom to have a bachelor’s degree, but if she keeps up the hard work and adapts to to being a mom of three, she could be the first Teen Mom to have a master’s degree, too.

As she tweeted yesterday, “There’s beauty in the struggle.”

Congrats, Kailyn!
