Friday, May 5, 2017

Jeremy Calvert Goes on Insane Drunken Rant, Talks Leah Messer Rumors

Remember when Jeremy Calvert made his first appearance on Teen Mom 2? He was a hard-working man, ready and willing to be with Leah Messer even though she had two young daughters.

He seemed like a wonderful person, but as we"ve learned not everything is as it seems.

Jeremy has been in the news quite a bit recently, thanks to rumors that he"s getting back with Leah and reports that he cheated on Brooke Wehr with her best friend.

Being an "open book" type, he decided to hop on Instagram Live to sort everything out. And it was a mess.

Never make videos of yourself while drunk, kids. It never turns out how you think it will.

To start, he talks about Leah, saying that they "co-parent great" and "our daughter comes first."

"And she knows that I know that no matter what Addie comes first," he says, but "For Christ"s sake, quit talking about me and her getting back together, it is f-cking ridiculous."

This next bit is interesting, because he"s slurring a little bit, but it really sounds like he says "We are f-cking and we co-parent fantastic."

See what we mean about never filming yourself while drunk?

From there, Jeremy goes on with his beloved MTV bashing, saying "All they want is the negative editing, arguments, fights, disagreements so they can f-cking make a show."

"If you people are that goddamn stupid to not see that, what the f-ck is your problem? It"s not f-cking hard to put two and two together, people."

About Brooke Wehr"s claims that he slept with her best friend, he says that he "sure did," but only because she was with another guy two months before that, "f-cking his brains out, every day."

It"s all fine though, he says, because he was single, and you can do whatever you want while you"re single. Or, as he puts it, "my dick was happy to do whatever the f-ck it wanted to do."

"If I want to go this bar," he adds, "and pull out some f-cking 350 pound bitch, more power to me."

Jeremy, the very picture of class, also insists that "pussy has no face."

He also takes some time to talk about the daughter he shares with Leah, explaining that "She has a perfect life. And anybody that don"t think that can go jump off a motherf-cking bridge and die for all I care."

While he does work a lot, and usually out of town, he says "I try my best to be available for my daughter. If she needs something, I"m there. If Leah needs something, I make it happen."

So that"s nice, we guess.

In closing, he felt it was of the utmost importance to let us all know that "Jeremy gives zero f-cks."

Yeah, guy, we can tell.

Watch Jeremy"s full, absolutely insane rant in the video below:

Jeremy calvert goes on insane drunken rant talks leah messer rum