Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Inside the INSANE Bachelor(ette) Party!

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth are getting married, presumably this year (her rumored wedding date is her 20th birthday, October 28).

But you know what happens before any vows are exchanged:

The obligatory joint bachelor and bachelorette party!

This past weekend, Joy and Austin celebrated their upcoming nuptials with a joint bash that was allegedly off-the-chain, buck wild crazy.

Just kidding. No one anywhere alleged any such thing.

These are the Duggars after all, and Austin Forsyth"s family is said to be even more conservative, so the festivities were … a bit different.

That doesn"t mean it was totally lame, though.

The duo ventured into the great outdoors for their parties, and lots of fun was had. Just sans booze or boobs or junk in anyone"s face.

A weekend full of camping, kayaking and marshmallow roasting was right up Joy-Anna and Austin"s alley than strip clubs or body shots.

No partying or drinking required!

No, the only porking going on last weekend was with the actual hot dogs, roasting on an open fire to be deliciously consumed by all.

What better way to celebrate!?

Naturally, a TLC crew was ready and willing to film ALL the partying (term used loosely) for the Duggars" reality show, Counting On.

A new season begins June 12.

“I think I like doing outdoor activities because I grew up doing that,” Austin said, starting into the cameras with a deathly serious gaze.

Guy may want to take a cue from Jeremy Vuolo or even Ben Seewald in terms of on-air charisma, because man. Dead eyes, people.

Amazingly, throughout the interview, Joy and Austin side-hug the crap out of each other, rocking back and forth in singular, fluid motion.

Seriously, they never waver from the side hug position, making us wonder if the hornballs are tethered together to test their urges 24/7.

Lovebirds. Lovebirds, not hornballs.

Sorry about that. In any event, Joy-Anna relays that their wedding planning is going great so far, and that Forsyth has been super involved.

“I think Austin has been helping out more than I ever thought he would be,” she says, while he calls her a “beautiful young lady.”

NOTE: If Joy-Anna"s weight loss, or rumored weight loss, is affecting her or being forced upon her, there"s no evidence of it here.

Joy looks happy and healthy standing next to her friend of 15 years, and Forsyth says he is “so excited to marry the woman of my dreams.”

In the video, Joy says that she’s never really been one for outdoor activities, but based on their wedding registry, that"s about to change. 

Joy and Austin registered for camping and wilderness gear up the wazoo. You know, stuff like sleeping bags, tents and camp cookware.

If Joy doesn"t fancy herself the outdoorsy type, and fears that she may be rushing into things, she may want to bolt and run for the hills.

Not literally, because hills = wilderness. You know what we mean. Get out now before it"s too late; Josiah ended a courtship, there is precedent.

Anyway, check out the future Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth"s preview of their big bachelor(ette) weekend in the Counting On teaser below.

Joy anna duggar and austin forsyth inside their crazy bachelor a