Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Brad Pitt: I"m a Non-Suicidal Open Book!

Brad Pitt has more to say about his divorce from Angelina Jolie.

Specifically, Brad Pit has more to say about what his life is like in the wake of his divorce from Angelina Jolie.

Earlier this month, the beloved actor opened way up to GQ Style about his split from Jolie, speaking in detail about the stunning break-up for the first time since it transpired in September.

After admitting that Child Protective Services was called to investigate claims of abuse against Pitt, the star said he and his estranged wife are at a decent place these days.

“Our focus is that everyone come out stronger and better people – there is no other outcome,” Pitt said at the time of he, Jolie and their six kids.

He added:

“I see it happen to friends – I see where the one spouse literally can’t tell their own part in it, and it’s still competing with the other in some way and wants to destroy them, and needs vindication by destruction, and just wasting years on that hatred.

“I don’t want to live that way.”

Now, in another revealing interview, Pitt has talked to the Associated Press about his state of being at the moment.

“I’ve got no secrets. I’ve got nothing to hide,” the 53-year old tells The AP, adding:

“We’re human and I find the human condition very interesting. If we’re not talking about it, then we’re not getting better.”

Profound words, huh?

Pitt, who has admitted to an excess of drinking and drug use over the years, offered up a lot more of them as well.

The Allied actor opened up about how he’s been spending his time “keeping the ship afloat” and “figuring out the new configuration of our family,” emphasizing that nothing else really matters.

Absolutely nothing at all.

“Kids are everything,” he says, of his six children – Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 10, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 8. “Kids are your life. They’re taking all the focus, as they should anyway.

Pitt then got surprisingly dark, joking: “I’m not suicidal or something.”

Well… good? We guess?

We never really thought that was on the table.

On September 19, four days after an alleged altercation between Pitt and Maddox, Jolie filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

She asked at the time for physical custody of the couple’s children and requested that Pitt be granted visitation.

Since this time, the stars have agreed to keep the legal details of their divorce private.

Pitt is fighting for joint custody of the kids, that much we know, but it’s unclear at the moment just where things stand.

“I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the well-being of our kids,” Pitt said in his first-post divorce statement last fall.

“I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during this challenging time.”

Thus far, the press has stayed away from the kids.

But reporters are obviously anxious to hear from Pitt and Jolie.

In this interview with the AP, Pitt simply said he is getting through the divorce as best as he can.

“There’s still much beauty in the world and a lot of love. And a lot of love to be given. It’s all right. It’s just life,” he said.

We also may see less of him as an actor moving forward.

“I feel myself as I’m older gravitating more to the producing side than being in front of the camera,” he said.

“It’s a big commitment, a film, and it does take you away from your family. I just have to balance that. It’s not less important, itself, it’s just not as important as family.”
