Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ben Affleck FINALLY Moves Out of Home He Shared With Jennifer Garner

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner might be in the midst of the slowest celebrity divorce in Hollywood history.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Affleck and Garner separated way back in June of 2015.

In the months that followed, there were many times when it looked as though Ben and Jen would get back together, and the couple later admitted that they had tried to work things out.

But it wasn’t meant to be.

In April, Garner filed for divorce from Affleck, but the actors weren’t finished the ripping the Band-Aid off quite yet.

There were several more weeks of foot-dragging, as Ben continued to take up residence in the guesthouse of the Malibu home he had previously shared with Garner and the couple’s three kids.

Now, Affleck is finally taking his leave of the posh residence.

People magazine is reporting today that after several weeks of searching, Ben has found an acceptable bachelor pad and has commenced the process of relocating.

Neighbors say they saw moving trucks parked in front of Affleck’s former mansion over the weekend.

“They want to be sure the kids are comfortable,” a source close to the couple tells People.

“He’s moving fairly close by and it’s all in step with what they’ve always said was the most important thing: their children.

While there are still many issues to be worked out with regard to custody and the division of property, Ban and Jen are reportedly in agreement that the Malibu house will serve as their kids’ primary residence.

“One thing they agree on — the kids will stay at the family house,” the insider tells People.

“Jen and Ben will focus on making things as smooth as possible for the kids. It’s all about what’s best for them.”

We can’t say we’re surprised that Ben’s not trying to take the kids.

We’re sure he’s a committed father and all, but freakin’ Batman is about to be living by himself in a mansion, probably in Beverly Hills or some such posh neighborhood.

The guy is in a position to put Wilt Chamberlain to shame, and you just cant’ let kids interfere with a noble mission like that.
