Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Mr. Rogers Really Was a Saint. This Story Explains Why.

Mr. Rogers didn"t merely play a very nice and caring men on television.

The late PBS host truly was a nice and caring men, in every sense of those terms.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Fred Rogers premiering on television in his iconic sweater, Anthony Breznican – a novelist and a writer for Entertainment Weekly – shared a lengthy story on Twitter this week about his past connection to the star.

The story included a memorable interaction that must be read to be believed.

Ready to fall in love with Mr. Rogers all over again? Scroll down…

1. The Story Begins…

The story begins

This is how Breznican opened his Twitter tale, explaining to followers why he felt the need to recount his experience with Mr. Rogers in a series of messages.

2. It Was All True

It was all true

How does Anthony know this? Allow him to explain…

3. A Chance Viewing

A chance viewing

The writer stumbled again on Mr. Rogers at just the right time in his life.

4. In Need of a Neighbor

In need of a neighbor

Breznican reconnected with Mr. Rogers at just the right time.

5. How to Handle Anger

How to handle anger

It seems like an easy topic, perhaps. But it’s not for a lot of people.

6. And THEN…

And then

… a chance encounter followed that chance viewing.

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