Friday, May 12, 2017

Maci Bookout Reveals Youngest Son"s Heartbreaking Health Issues

Maci Bookout sure has seemed like she’s had her hands full lately.

She gave birth to her daughter, Jayde, in May of 2015, and then she had little Maverick just one year later.

Throw in the Teen Mom OG filming, caring for her older son, Bentley, the stress of dealing with Ryan Edwards, running that t-shirt business, drinking all that beer

She must be exhausted constantly.

Maci’s also been working hard on her second book, I Wasn’t Born Bulletproof: Lessons I’ve Learned (So You Don’t Have To), and in a new excerpt from that book, we’re learning more about her little family.

Particularly, about a heartbreaking struggle poor little Maverick has been dealing with.

“Maverick, my third, had more issues with sleeping and was diagnosed with silent reflux,” she wrote.

“It can easily be misinterpreted as fussiness because there are no visible symptoms other than inconsolable crying.”

The poor baby, it sounds like a rough thing to go through — besides the “inconsolable crying,” other issues a baby with silent reflux can experience are chronic coughing, trouble breathing, and trouble putting on weight.

According to Maci, “His pediatrician prescribed him medicine to reduce stomach acidity and help relieve the pain.”

“But every time we gave it to him he would push it out with his tongue or he would get so upset that he would throw the medicine right back up.”

She wrote that it’s “frustrating and upsetting” to watch her baby go through all that.

This is the first time Maci is getting specific about her son’s health problems, but we probably could have guessed something was up.

In this season of Teen Mom OG, she’s seemed a little more exhausted than usual, and we’ve even her and Taylor dealing with Maverick’s illness in a deleted scene.

Taylor even made the joke “We should probably give him up and get a new one that’s healthier before his trade value goes down.”

In addition to the silent reflux, fans have also noticed that Maverick often has a rash on his face, which some are speculating could be eczema.

Luckily for him though, he’s got a great mother — even if some people would say otherwise.

An a previous excerpt from her book, Maci addressed the widespread claims that she has a drinking problem — claims that first began with speculation that she was drinking while pregnant with Maverick.

“Folks, I am an adult,” she wrote, “over the legal drinking age, and just because I’m a mom that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a beer on a Sunday evening with my husband.”

“Newsflash: Mothers Are Human Beings. We are flawed, hard-working, well-intentioned, exhausted indiviuals; we do our best, we make mistakes, but above all we love our children.”

She explained that “while obviously I don’t condone excessive drinking, having a beer — or even smoking the occasional cigarette — does not warrant a call to Child Services, and it does not make you a bad mother.”

Why can’t all the Teen Moms be as wonderful as Maci?
