Showing posts with label Youngest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Youngest. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Youngest Duggar Daughters Drop Debut Album!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar became famous for raising a staggeringly large family.

Yet ironically, these days, it seems like half of their children have been shoved away from the spotlight.

We suppose that’s a natural consequence of life in such a massive family.

With the eldest of Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring getting married and popping out babies like there’s no tomorrow, it’s only natural that some of their younger siblings would get short shrift in terms of screen time.

Fortunately, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn and Josie have their sights set on something bigger than reality TV stardom.

Or at least something that could prove to be equally lucrative.

Along with their cousin — Josh Duggar’s daughter Mackynzie —  youngest of the Duggar daughters have released their first album as vocal group The Duggar Girls.

“We are SO excited to announce Happy Heart CD!” the Duggars wrote on their Facebook page.

“The younger girls have worked so hard on this and we love the results! We pray that it would encourage and bless you!”

While it would be incredible if The Duggar Girls turned out to be a rugged hip-hop crew, and the Happy Heart CD were a collection of speaker-rattling trap bangers, it seems the family has sadly chosen a much more traditional route.

The 10-track album consists of nine religious ditties and — for some reason — a rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” which you can hear Josie belting out in the clip above.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reports, the Duggars have adopted an interesting strategy for marketing the younger members of the clan.

Perhaps fearing that they’ve oversaturated the market with pious young ladies, Jim Bob and Michelle have assured fans that they need not concern themselves with devoting extra brain space to new Duggar personalities, as the youngest daughters are just 2.0 versions of their older sisters.

“We’ve always said that the four youngest Duggar girls’ personalities are like the four oldest girls on repeat,” they wrote on The Duggar Girls’ official website.

“Everyone has a twin. Jana/Johannah, Jill/Jennifer, Jinger/Jordyn, and Jessa/Josie.”

Of course, this isn’t the first collaborative project among Duggar siblings.

Back in 2013, the eldest four sisters released a memoir called Growing Up Duggar.

And now, their youngest sisters — who have similar names and copycat personalities — are releasing an album, and if you think that’s slightly creepy … well, you’re right, but you’re also not in the Duggars’ target audience, so they probably don’t care. 


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Officially the World"s Youngest Billionaire?!

If the American business tycoon"s greatest talent is the ability to turn a negative into a positive and a want into a need, then Kylie Jenner is the living embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit.

Kylie proved that she has a firm understanding of how the rich stay rich when she looked at the online commentary about her sizable lips (much of it mocking) and recognized a market niche.

These days Kylie"s cosmetics line is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

The most valuable part of the business, of course, is not the makeup itself, but Kylie"s name.

Kylie covers the new issue of Forbes magazine as a symbol of the era of "extreme fame leverage."

Some might say her success is built on a shaky foundation, as young people and social media audiences are notoriously fickle.

But the thing about Kylie is, she"s in on the joke — and she"s laughing all the way to the bank:

1. Kylie Covers Forbes

Kylie jenner forbes cover

Kylie covers the new issue of Forbes, a major honor for the young mogul. The magazine touts her cosmetics brand as being worth $ 900 million.

2. What’s She Worth?

Kylie jenner pin up pic

According to Forbes, Kylie is a soon-to-be billionaire — but she’s not quite there yet. Fortunately, she’s not entirely dependent on the popularity of her lip kits to reach that goal. As her fans know, that’s just one of many revenue streams for Kylizzle.

3. Insta-bucks

Kylie jenner august 2017

An independent market research firm recently concluded that Kylie pulls in roughly a million dollars every time she posts sponsored content on her Instagram page. And if you follow her on the ‘Gram, you know that’s quite often.

4. The Family Business

Keeping up with the kardashians folks

And of course, there’s the reality show that started it all. Unlike her sisters, Kylie isn’t a producer on Keeping Up With the Kardashian, but she still rakes in a massive salary as one of the stars of the show.

5. Sibling Rivalry

Kim kardashian and kylie jenner

It’s long been rumored that Kylie has eclipsed Kim as the family’s top earner, and Forbes confirms this fact in the magazine’s lengthy profile of the cosmetics mogul.

6. In the Driver’s Seat

Kylie jenner drives poses

“Like Kardashian West, [Kylie] has leveraged her assets to gain both fame and money,” Forbes writes. “But while her sister is best-known for the former, Jenner has proved adept at the latter. In historic fashion.”

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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Martin Luther King Jr."s Youngest Son: Give Trump Benefit of the Doubt on Dreamers

Martin Luther King Jr.’s son has not joined the chorus of Trump haters in the wake of his Dreamers punt. We got MLK’s youngest son, Dexter King, at LAX, assuming he’d rag on the Prez for saying he has “great love” for the Dreamers. Quite the…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Maci Bookout Reveals Youngest Son"s Heartbreaking Health Issues

Maci Bookout sure has seemed like she’s had her hands full lately.

She gave birth to her daughter, Jayde, in May of 2015, and then she had little Maverick just one year later.

Throw in the Teen Mom OG filming, caring for her older son, Bentley, the stress of dealing with Ryan Edwards, running that t-shirt business, drinking all that beer

She must be exhausted constantly.

Maci’s also been working hard on her second book, I Wasn’t Born Bulletproof: Lessons I’ve Learned (So You Don’t Have To), and in a new excerpt from that book, we’re learning more about her little family.

Particularly, about a heartbreaking struggle poor little Maverick has been dealing with.

“Maverick, my third, had more issues with sleeping and was diagnosed with silent reflux,” she wrote.

“It can easily be misinterpreted as fussiness because there are no visible symptoms other than inconsolable crying.”

The poor baby, it sounds like a rough thing to go through — besides the “inconsolable crying,” other issues a baby with silent reflux can experience are chronic coughing, trouble breathing, and trouble putting on weight.

According to Maci, “His pediatrician prescribed him medicine to reduce stomach acidity and help relieve the pain.”

“But every time we gave it to him he would push it out with his tongue or he would get so upset that he would throw the medicine right back up.”

She wrote that it’s “frustrating and upsetting” to watch her baby go through all that.

This is the first time Maci is getting specific about her son’s health problems, but we probably could have guessed something was up.

In this season of Teen Mom OG, she’s seemed a little more exhausted than usual, and we’ve even her and Taylor dealing with Maverick’s illness in a deleted scene.

Taylor even made the joke “We should probably give him up and get a new one that’s healthier before his trade value goes down.”

In addition to the silent reflux, fans have also noticed that Maverick often has a rash on his face, which some are speculating could be eczema.

Luckily for him though, he’s got a great mother — even if some people would say otherwise.

An a previous excerpt from her book, Maci addressed the widespread claims that she has a drinking problem — claims that first began with speculation that she was drinking while pregnant with Maverick.

“Folks, I am an adult,” she wrote, “over the legal drinking age, and just because I’m a mom that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a beer on a Sunday evening with my husband.”

“Newsflash: Mothers Are Human Beings. We are flawed, hard-working, well-intentioned, exhausted indiviuals; we do our best, we make mistakes, but above all we love our children.”

She explained that “while obviously I don’t condone excessive drinking, having a beer — or even smoking the occasional cigarette — does not warrant a call to Child Services, and it does not make you a bad mother.”

Why can’t all the Teen Moms be as wonderful as Maci?


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Youngest Latika in "Slumdog Millionaire" "Memba Her?!

Rubina Ali is best known for playing the youngest version of the street kid Latika — opposite Ayush Mahesh Khedekar as the youngest Jamal — in the 2008 film ‘Slumdog Millionaire.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Youngest Latika in "Slumdog Millionaire" "Memba Her?!

Rubina Ali is best known for playing the youngest version of the street kid Latika — opposite Ayush Mahesh Khedekar as the youngest Jamal — in the 2008 film ‘Slumdog Millionaire.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Migos Get Their Youngest Fan to Recite "Bad and Boujee" at Coachella (VIDEO)

Migos had the masses rapping along with them at Coachella this weekend, and that includes kids too … especially this little guy. Here’s footage of a little boy — he can’t be more than 6 or 7 — propped up on his dad’s shoulders … and reciting…


Monday, April 10, 2017

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Slammed For Photo of Youngest Daughters!

Another day, another Duggar controversy.

Fortunately, this one is far more innocuous than the various scandals involving Josh Duggar.

But while today’s dispute may not rank among the family’s biggest public image crises, it still serves as a reminder of the Duggars’ troubling attitude toward women.

Jim Bob and Michelle posted the above photo to their Facebook page over the weekend, and as with just about everything the Duggars do, their was immediate disagreement between fans and detractors.

Many pointed out that the children weren’t wearing helmets in the photo.

“No helmets? Serious falls can occur in dirt roads as well,” wrote one follower.

“Looks great! Looks like they forgot their helmets though,” commented another.

Other Facebook users voiced a different safety concern, pointing out that there may be good reason why the girls in the photo are standing beside their bikes instead of riding them.

“Normally I’d agree that they’d be fine without helmets if some weren’t also riding in flip flops and a dress. I think those long dresses are more of a hazard than the lack of helmets,” reads one comment.

“I’m more concerned about a long dress hindering their ability to petal, and the material getting stuck or wound up in the chain,” wrote another critic.

The reason, of course, that the girls are wearing such unusual attire for an afternoon of bike riding is that the Duggars religious beliefs require them to dress that way.

The family belongs to the controversial Quiverfull movement, which teaches that women are to dress in a fashion that will not entice the men they encounter.

This means lots of layers, thick fabric, and floor-length skirts, even in childhood.

The dress code has been a source of controversy recently, thanks to an upcoming event at which Jessa Duggar will teach young women how to “cover up” properly.

Jessa, of course, was molested by Josh Duggar as a child.

Homeschool teaching materials circulated by the Quiverfull movement and published by Gawker in 2015 show that children are taught from a young age that women are to blame for sexual assaults if they dress in what leaders consider a provocative fashion.

Michelle Duggar revealed that she designed the family’s very specific dress code (floor-length denim skirts, atrocious hair) after receiving a message from God shortly after marrying Jim Bob.

“After I was born again and became a Christian, I really began to cover up,” Michelle wrote in a blog post on the family’s website.

“I felt like the Lord was saying to me, you know what, you probably shouldn’t be wearing that. It’s a little bit low cut, or a little bit too high, you know.”

Yes, the family has some very strange and very strong beliefs when it comes to attire.

Fortunately, there are indications that not all of Michelle’s daughters share her incredibly old fashioned ideas regarding clothing.

Last month, Jinger Duggar was photographed wearing shorts in bold defiance of her mother’s dress code.

It’s not much, but it’s a bare-legged step in the right direction.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Tiffany Trump RNC Speech: Who is Donald"s Youngest Daughter?

Tiffany Trump, 22, gave a touching tribute to her father Donald at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Tuesday night.

After the Melania Trump plagiarism scandal, Tiffany"s poised and personal speech served as a brief respite from the unending controversy.

There wasn"t a lot of politics in this address; Tiffany simply spoke calmly and clearly about how her father, as a person, is an inspiration.

"His desire for excellence is contagious. He draws out your talent," Tiffany said, calling him "a natural born encourager."

“I’m always excited for my new friends to meet my dad, so they can see how friendly, considerate, endearing and real [he is]."

“I am so proud to call him my father. I have admired my father for all of my life, and I love him with all my heart,” she said.

Named after Tiffany & Co., Tiffany was educated at Viewpoint School and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016.

She works for the Trump Organization as V.P. of Real Estate Development, Operations, Acquisitions, Management & Finance.

Trump is a frequent poster to Instagram where she had more than 100,000 followers. She released a single "Like a Bird," in 2014.

Tiffany is the product of Donald"s second marriage to Marla Maples. He has three adult kids from his marriage to Ivana Trump.

Her brother, Donald Trump, Jr., spoke directly afterward, with his siblings Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump due to speak tonight.

Donald and Melania Trump, his third wife whom he wed in 2005, have a young son of their own, nine-year-old Barron Trump.

Watch Tiffany Trump"s RNC speech below!

Tiffany trump rnc speech who is donalds youngest daughter

Tiffany Trump RNC Speech: Who is Donald"s Youngest Daughter?

Tiffany Trump, 22, gave a touching tribute to her father Donald at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Tuesday night.

After the Melania Trump plagiarism scandal, Tiffany"s poised and personal speech served as a brief respite from the unending controversy.

There wasn"t a lot of politics in this address; Tiffany simply spoke calmly and clearly about how her father, as a person, is an inspiration.

"His desire for excellence is contagious. He draws out your talent," Tiffany said, calling him "a natural born encourager."

“I’m always excited for my new friends to meet my dad, so they can see how friendly, considerate, endearing and real [he is]."

“I am so proud to call him my father. I have admired my father for all of my life, and I love him with all my heart,” she said.

Named after Tiffany & Co., Tiffany was educated at Viewpoint School and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016.

She works for the Trump Organization as V.P. of Real Estate Development, Operations, Acquisitions, Management & Finance.

Trump is a frequent poster to Instagram where she had more than 100,000 followers. She released a single "Like a Bird," in 2014.

Tiffany is the product of Donald"s second marriage to Marla Maples. He has three adult kids from his marriage to Ivana Trump.

Her brother, Donald Trump, Jr., spoke directly afterward, with his siblings Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump due to speak tonight.

Donald and Melania Trump, his third wife whom he wed in 2005, have a young son of their own, nine-year-old Barron Trump.

Watch Tiffany Trump"s RNC speech below!

Tiffany trump rnc speech who is donalds youngest daughter