Friday, May 5, 2017

19 Most Awkward Group Texts of All-Time

The following collection of text messages can be summed up in one word: 


They feature folks clearly forgetting they"re on a group text message exchange, often sharing pieces of information with multiple people that would have been best kept to a more intimate setting.

Feel free to laugh at these snafus, but also to heed their warning:

Always be sure of exactly who is on the opposite end of any text you send. You don"t want to end up in our next slideshow, do you?

1. More Wanking Please

More wanking please


2. Maybe Don’t Text All Your Tinder Matches at Once

Maybe dont text all your tinder matches at once

Just a small piece of advice.

3. Are All Parents This Horny?

Are all parents this horny

We just don’t know it unless we’re on a group text with them?

4. Note the Name of This Group

Note the name of this group

She better at least bring cookies to the next bible study to make up for this.

5. Such Hatred for Rita Ora

Such hatred for rita ora

What did she ever do to you?

6. Awww!


Ryan for all the wins!

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