Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Taylor Swift & Joe Alwyn: Moving In Together Already?!

It’s only been a week since we learned that Taylor Swift is dating Joe Alwyn, and fortunately, the famously unlucky-in-love singer is taking her time and really letting this relationship develop gradually.

Just kidding, she’s running into this thing like she just got word that the Single People Apocalypse is coming and only those in serious relationships will be saved.

At first Taylor tried to keep her relationship with Alwyn a secret.

Since that didn’t work, they’ve apparently decided to just say screw it and start picking out china patterns.

Okay, so they’re not quite getting married, but they are moving at a speed that should ensure Taylor will have a new breakup album in stores by the end of summer.

According to UK tabloid The Sun, Joe is currently in the midst of moving to Los Angeles so that he can spend more time with Tay.

No word on whether or not they’ll live together once he relocates, but it would be a little weird to move several thousand miles for someone and then get a separate place, wouldn’t it?

“Joe really wants to be near Taylor and moving to the US will mean they can spend much more time together,” a source tells The Sun.

“He’s a real family man and is close to his parents, so he will still be a regular visitor to their London home.

The insider adds:

“That means Taylor will still be able to continue her love affair with London where she can walk around unnoticed and live a relatively normal life.”

Oh, Taylor has a thing for London?

We never would’ve guessed from the fact that her last eleventy bajillion boyfriends were all British.

Anyway, we’re sure Alwyn really does believe the move will help his career, but not because he’ll be closer to Hollywood.

Living in SoCal will help raise his public profile because Taylor is a tabloid magnet and summer is when she seems to be at her most scandalous.

Just last night, Katy Perry finally confirmed her feud with Swift.

If Alwyn is smart, he’ll have his ass walking up and down Sunset in an “I [heart] T.S.” shirt by this weekend.
