Thursday, July 27, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer: Quitting Teen Mom Amidst Drug Scandal?!

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, then you likely remember the most shocking scene from the show’s latest season finale.

In the weeks prior to the wedding of Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer, there were serious concerns about Ryan’s extensive substance abuse.

On the drive to the ceremony, those concerns came to a head in frightening fashion.

Edwards drove to the wedding so high on prescription painkillers that he was often unable to keep his eyes open.

Standifer was by his side in the passenger seat, and she took a good deal of flak from fans for allowing him to drive in that condition and turning off the car’s dash cam so as to prevent viewers from seeing the entire ride.

Shortly after the wedding, Edwards checked into rehab, and he’s now reportedly sober.

But the damage to Standifer’s reputation had already been done.

At first, Mackenzie fought back against allegations that she endangered lives by allowing Edwards to drive.

Then, she went silent.

And now, it looks as though Standifer may have decided that the life of a reality star is simply not for her.

Mackenzie Standifer Post

Mackenzie posted the above photo to Instagram this afternoon.

Radar Online is reporting that it’s her not-so-subtle way of informing fans that she’s quitting Teen Mom.

The site reports that several of Mackenzie’s followers commented with requests for further clarification:

“The show? If so sad to see you go,” one fan commented.

“Hope it’s not TMOG!” wrote another.

Not only did Mackenzie fail to respond, she deleted the comments.

We’d say that’s about as unsubtle as a sledgehammer.

In the weeks before she went silent on Twitter, Standifer alternated between defending her actions and begging fans to ease up on the criticism.

“Here’s a thought… maybe instead of making assumptions and tearing people down, you could spend that time praying for us instead,” she tweeted last month.

It may be quite some time before Mackenzie makes an official statement about her future on the series.

But something tells us you won’t be seeing her on MTV anytime soon.
