Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 9 Episode 3 Recap: Hurricane Kelly

Dinner parties on The Real Housewives franchise are high-class events in which the women speak about their lives and plan fun vacations together. 

Yes, that whole sentence was sarcasm, and there was a dinner party on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 9 Episode 3 that descended into sheer mayhem. 

When the fun episode got underway, Vicki was preparing to make a move. Unfortunately for the other women, she was not leaving Orange County behind. 

Instead, she was moving into a brand new office building as a result of her business being a success. Vicki then opened up about one of her employees embezzling her funds. 

So, yes, she let him go. Still, her business is a hit, so she should be proud of what she’s achieved. It will be fun to see her boast about it to the other ladies. 

This act of betrayal from a colleague, however, has Vicki wanting to keep a closer eye on the rest of her staff. It’s pretty lame, but she’s clearly paranoid something happens again. 

While one business was flourishing, another was all over the place. Lydia was stressing out over at Nobleman because she felt like her husband was missing all of his deadlines. 

Tamra interrupted Lydia’s duties at the magazine by calling her up to mediate the situation between her and Shannon. Tamra manages to get both women to attend a dinner to try fix things between them. 

Meanwhile, Shannon continued her plan to get back into shape, and she found herself in a little too deep with all of it. Her trainer, however, was not that great. 

He seemed to think that shaming Shannon about her body was a good tactic, but it was a little bit much, and we felt sorry for her. 

When the time came for dinner, Lydia was trying to introduce Peggy to everyone once again, and it was becoming a little lame. 

Peggy did not get a warm reception when seemed to trash Shannon’s plan to build a dream home. God, these women sure know how to bicker over silly things. 

When Shannon spoke about the weight gain, Peggy pushed to find out about what forced her to get to that point. Is anyone else getting Eden Sassoon vibes from this chick?

Just when things start to get heated between Peggy and the women, Kelly arrived, and well, things went nuclear. Kelly is not one to hold back. 

Despite saying she was not attending the dinner, Kelly showed up and was not entirely approachable about all of it. Kelly then thought Shannon was mean to her. 

While Kelly revealed that she knew how to push Shannon’s buttons in her confessional, Shannon flipped the eff out at the dinner table. 

Shannon told her to get the heck out of the restaurant, while Kelly said, “Maybe you need some hormones for your body!” That’s when the ladies hurled terrible insults at each other. 

Kelly is back and is ready to burn some bridges, and we’re along for every second of this ride. 

What do you think of it all?
