Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Jinger Duggar Squashes Feud, Congratulates Jill Duggar on Baby

For all the controversies and scandals surrounding the Duggar family, we rarely hear about any major feuds within the tight-knit clan.

Part of the reason for that is that the Duggars adhere to a strict patriarchal power structure:

Men hold all the cards and are not to be questioned, so husband-wife, father-daughter disputes are unheard of.

As for mother-daughter, sister-sister rows, well, if the Josh Duggar sex scandals taught us anything, it’s that the Duggars know how to keep a lid on anything that might tarnish their reputation.

Interestingly, however, the family was unable to keep news of the Jill vs. Jinger Duggar feud under wraps.

We may never know exactly what sparked the disagreement, but there’s no doubt that Jill and Jinger weren’t getting along at one point.

Not only did the sisters unfollow one another on social media, their husbands cut digital ties as well.

When fans noticed that all four were not linked on Instagram in any way, they concluded that something must be amiss.

The most widely accepted theory is that the girls’ husbands, Derick Dillard and Jeremy Vuolo, found themselves at odds with regard to religious doctrine, after Vuolo delivered a sermon criticizing unqualifies missionaries.

Now, however, it seems that both couples have decided to bury the hatchet.

As you may have heard, Jill gave birth to her second child this week, and Jinger and Jeremy decided to extend an olive branch by offering their public congratulations.

Jill and Jeremy make their home in Laredo, Texas, a long way from where the rest of the family resides in Arkansas, so they took to the Internet to offer some kind words in a video addresses to the Dillards:

“We’re so excited for you guys and your new addition, little Samuel,” Jinger says.

“We wish we could be there to meet him in person, but we look forward to that day.”

Jeremy offers a similar sentiment, adding:

“Hopefully soon we’ll be able to come and visit and meet the little guy. But we’re so happy for you, and we’ll be praying for you. Love you so much! Hopefully see you soon!”

Certainly sounds like all is well between the formerly feuding sisters.

Some fans were hoping that the video would contain some new info regarding the Jinger Duggar pregnancy rumors, but maybe Jinge didn’t want to steal her big sister’s thunder.

Watch Counting On online for more incredibly mild sibling spats.
