Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ed Sheeran Quits Twitter Following Game of Thrones Backlash

If you watched the Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere on Sunday night, then you may have found yourself mildly repulsed at a scene that seemed to come straight out of left field.

No, we"re not talking about the weird Citadel montage with the match-cuts between bowls of stew and full chamber pots (although, seriously: ew.)

We"re talking about Ed Sheeran"s cameo as a soldier who croons "Hands of Gold," a song featuring lyrics that may offer some important hints about what"s to come.

GoT fans didn"t love Sheeran"s cameo, and with good reason.

The stunt-casting amounted to a major misstep by showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, perhaps their biggest to date.

Sheeran"s appearance distracted from the events of the scene, and tonally, his appearance felt out of step not only with the rest of the episode, but with the rest of the series.

The blame rests with Weiss and Benioff, not Sheeran, but nevertheless, the singer was the butt of a good number of jokes on Twitter.

The unwanted attention was such that the 26-year-old deleted his account.

Check out some of the most viral burns in the gallery below and watch Game of Thrones online to relive Sheeran"s ill-advised cameo.

1. Dolorous Ed

Ed sheeran on game of thrones

One GoT fan used Sheeran’s own lyrics to mock him, tweeting this pic, along with a caption reading: “When the club isn’t the best place to find a lover but it turns out the bar isn’t either and so now you’re just open to any new ideas.”

2. Stassi Weighs In

Stassi weighs in

Vanderpump Rules star Stassi Schroeder offered her two cents. We’re sure many can relate.

3. Add Him to the List!

Add him to the list

This guy thinks Ed deserves a spot on Arya’s kill list. A tad harsh, but fans take their GoT seriously.

4. Ginger-Bashing

Ginger bashing

C’mon! This one doesn’t even have anything to do with Game of Thrones. Sure, we chuckled a bit, but still!

5. So Many Lyric Jokes

So many lyric jokes

Fans couldn’t get enough of using Ed’s lyrics to describe his ultra-random cameo.

6. Everyone’s a Critic

Everyones a critic

Harsh, but the guy’s got a point. Ed’s cameo really didn’t bring anything to the episode, and felt more like a misguided PR stunt.

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