Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan Welcome Daughter With Heartwarming Letter

Mark Zuckerberg is something of a divisive figure these days.

Sure, he founded a service that mostof us use every day, and he says he’s committed to making the world a better place, but at the same time, there are many who believe he’s more responsible than anyone else for the proliferation of “fake news” that loomed so large over the 2016 election.

Plus, we’re sick of getting notifications every time someone on our friends list “goes live” to show off their new haircut, ya know.

Anyway, the Zuck seems like an okay guy who’s probably a bit over his head of arguably the world’s most important media outlet, but that’s a conversation for another time.

Today, all we have to say to Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan is congratulations on bringing another billionaire baby into the world!

Yes, Zuckerberg announced yesterday on Facebook (natch) that he and wife Priscilla Chan had welcomed a baby girl named August.

She’s the second child for the couple who welcomed daughter Max in 2015.

As he did when Max was born, Zuckerberg penned a moving open letter to his baby girl:

“Welcome to the world! Your mom and I are so excited to see who you will become,” he began.

Zuckerberg then referenced the viral letter that he wrote to Max, before revealing that he’d like to take a slightly different tone this time around.

When your sister was born, we wrote a letter about the world we hoped she and now you will grow up in — a world with better education, fewer diseases, stronger communities, and greater equality … We’re optimists about your generation and the future, the billionaire CEO wrote.

Zuckerberg concludes with an ode to the magic of child that’s sure bring a tear to any parent’s eye:

“You will be busy when you’re older, so I hope you take time to smell all the flowers and put all the leaves you want in your bucket now. I hope you read your favorite Dr. Seuss books so many times you start inventing your own stories about the Vipper of Vipp.

“I hope you ride the carousel with Max until you’ve tamed every color horse. I hope you run as many laps around our living room and yard as you want.

“And then I hope you take a lot of naps. I hope you’re a great sleeper. And I hope even in your dreams you can feel how much we love you.

“Childhood is magical. You only get to be a child once, so don’t spend it worrying too much about the future. You’ve got us for that, and we’ll do everything we possibly can to make sure the world is a better place for you and all children in your generation.”

Not only is it a powerful message of love from a devoted parent, it’s also a potent reminder that not every Facebook post has to be about politics, people, damn!

We hope Mayweather and McGregor fight again just so we can have another one hour break from Trump talk in our timeline.

Make it happen, you two!

It’s a step toward redeeming yourselves for lifetimes of douche-baggery.

Oh, and, um … congratulations to Mark and Priscilla.

Sorry, we got a little sidetracked there.
