Thursday, August 17, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Elena"s Big Mistake

Being put on the block is not fun, and for Elena, she took one of the biggest gambles in the history of Big Brother this week. 

When the episode got underway, Elena, Matt, and Jason were on the block, and Alex’s plan to get rid of Cody was in full swing. 

Kevin chatted with Cody about staying strong for his family and said to the viewers that he would never cry on TV. In a somewhat contradictory move, he then proceeded to cry with his face inside the fridge. 

Cody then dropped the bomb on him that he has a child of his own, but he likes to keep quiet about it because the other houseguests should not have the right to know what he’s playing for. 

When it came to picking players for the veto, Cody knew the only way to save himself would be if he got to play in the competition. Unfortunately for him, Paul and Alex joined the nominees. 

Cody knew his time was up, but he held on to hope that another target would emerge before Thursday night. In a surprising turn of events, a new target emerged. 

The competition found the houseguests shooting objects at a map to get the highest number. There were advantages and disadvantages thrown into the competition. 

  • Round 1: Paul is eliminated and gets the Power of Veto! 

  • Round 2: Mark is eliminated and gets a Colorado vacation. He keeps it. 

  • Round 3: Jason is eliminated and gets Tandem Skydiving, where he will be bound to another houseguest for 48 hours. 

  • Round 4: Matt is eliminated and gets the Extreme-itard that he must wear for a week. He trades it for the Power of Veto. Elena makes a deal with Alex to not curse each other. 

  • Round 5: Alex is eliminated and gets $ 5,000. She keeps it. 

  • Round 6: Elena wins, and she gets Camp Guide, but she swaps it with Alex and takes the $ 5000. 

So, Elena could have saved herself, but instead, she chose to take the money. That shows Elena feels threatened and the lowest person on the totem pole. 

Alex was pissed and immediately turned to her allies to say they are getting rid of Elena. They noted that it’s best to deal with Cody first and then take things from there. 

Alex had to make hot dogs on demand for her fellow houseguests, and Cody tried to use it to his advantage by asking her to save him. She revealed that he was not her target. 

The house chose him. 

In the end, he made one final attempt at creating an alliance with Jason and Alex. 

Unfortunately, Matt used his own POV on Jason and Cody was sent to the block. 

Cody is 100 percent leaving, but who will follow him out in an intense double eviction?

We will find out tonight!
