Saturday, August 26, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See Her ADORABLE Son Say His First Word!

Chelsea Houska is considered by many, many fans to be the best mother in the entire Teen Mom universe.

And sure, it"s mostly because she"s one of the few moms who came from wealthy families, and because her father, Randy, was there for her emotionally and financially in a way most of the other moms didn"t experience.

And yes, she definitely had her questionable moments — mostly the way she refused to let Adam Lind go even after he repeatedly proved to her what a terrible, terrible person he was (and still is).

Remember when he called her a "fat stretch-marked bitch" and told her he wanted to give up his rights to their daughter, Aubree?

Who, by the way, he actually referred to as "that mistake."

So yeah, Chelsea has some lovers, but she also has some critics.

But none of that will matter when you watch this painfully adorable video she was kind enough to share on Instagram.

In the video, Chelsea is tending to her second child, little bitty Watson Cole DeBoer.

It seems like just yesterday that she gave birth to him, but he"s actually seven months old now!

And, as you can see in the video, he"s ready to start talking!

We see her coaching him, making a "ma" sound over and over …

And it pays off, because with her help, Watson technically says his first word: mama!

As she explains it in her caption, "He may not know what it means yet … but I"m gonna go ahead and count it as his first word."

And we don"t blame her one bit.

Check out Watson in action in the video below!

Chelsea houska see her adorable son say his first word