Monday, August 7, 2017

The Bachelorette Spoilers: How Will it End Tonight?

The Bachelorette Season 13 finale airs this evening on ABC, drawing to a dramatic close in an epic three-hour installment as always.

What do The Bachelorette spoilers tell us about Rachel Lindsay and her three remaining men, Eric Bigger, Bryan Abasolo and Petter Kraus?

This season has been so controversial and polarizing on multiple levels, and the tumult is far from over as Rachel mulls over her decision.

With the first African-American Bachelor franchise lead came even more intense scrutiny for Rachel (and racist behavior by Lee Garrett).

Every decision she’s made has been viewed, to a point, along racial lines, and the topic of interracial relationships has been at the forefront.

We’ve seen a guy dating someone back home (DeMario) and tensions between the men, including some who are still in the running.

Yet in many ways it’s been a conventional season. Lots of romance and high points, plenty of self-doubt and hard choices for the star.

Before we reveal tonight’s dramatic conclusion, as revealed by Bachelorette spoilers, a brief recap of some of the big storylines in play:

Eric Bigger (left) has never been in love like he is now, he admits, because of an upbringing that muted his ability to express his emotions.

Nevertheless, his ability to self-reflect and honesty in powering through that (along with many other positive attributes) has gotten him here.

Peter Kraus (middle) has been a fan favorite and Rachel favorite from the start, but threw a wrench into Rachel’s expectations last episode.

Admitting he may not be ready to propose, and wouldn’t do so if he wasn’t feeling it, even if he won the final rose? That was honest.

Very unusual for the show, though, and not something Rachel was expecting. As for the third remaining contender Bryan Abasolo (right)?

Let’s just say his faux-smoothness continues to rub some co-stars and fans the wrong way, even as Lindsay falls further in love with him.

There can be only one winner, of course, and Rachel will be second-guessed no matter what. The question is who she picks on the finale …

While it’s sure to disappoint many of you, according to The Man, The Myth, The Bachelorette Spoilers legend known as Reality Steve …

Rachel is engaged to Bryan Abasolo.

Steve’s initial stance a few weeks into the season, and before the season had even begun, that Lindsay was engaged to Peter Kraus.

Why the change? New information.

“After looking into it deeper, this time it turns out to be right,” Steve said, noting that sometimes, his sources are simply incorrect too.

Give him credit for owning it, and he’s right. He’s not actually an Oracle, or Soothsayer. Just a guy who’s damn good at spoiler acquisition.

“Unfortunately, without compromising sources, I can’t give you specifics” of why he was off the mark, he said, but it is Bryan. Period.


We also can tell you that there are fewer details available than in past seasons as to how specifically it plays out with the three finalists.

Eric Bigger, Peter Kraus and Bryan Abasolo, all of whom have meet Rachel’s family, are still in this thing heading into the season finale. 

Plenty of blanks still must be filled in, but we have no reason to doubt that Rachel Lindsay is engaged to Dr. Bryan Abasolo right now.

We’ll find out for sure tonight – there will always be a sliver of doubt until we see it with our own eyes, but only a sliver – around 10 p.m.

Whatever happens, whether there’s an epic twist in the works or not, plenty of Rachel-Peter fans and Rachel-Bryan fans will be on edge.

(As for who is the next Bachelor, it’s obvious that one or both of the runners-up would be a favorite, though Paradise complicates things.)

Peter, in particular, has a built in fan base and would be a worthy man for the job on merit; Eric is great, but seems like a distant third.

There’s been no suggestion that Bigger will prevail, and his romance with Rachel has seemed strong, but slightly less potent all season.

Soon, all will be revealed. For now, digest these Bachelorette spoilers and hit the comments below … did Rachel make the right choice?

If you believe the spoilers, that is?!
