Thursday, August 3, 2017

Emily Ratajkowski Flaunts MAJOR Underboob - Too Hot for Instagram!

Emily Ratajkowski’s boobs may keep her from getting hired for serious roles — which is a real shame — but Emily Ratajkowski’s turning her ample lemons into lemonade by serving up eye-popping looks on social media.

Of course, some of her outfits … or, rather, lack of outfits … aren’t what you’d call Instagram appropriate.

But that’s what Snapchat is still hanging around for, right?

Emily Ratajkowski is a stunning model and endearing actress who’s as admired for her political activism and unapologetic feminism as she is for her jaw-dropping looks.

She started her day by wishing followers “good morning” while wearing, well, not much.

That appears to be a thong and  some sort of hybrid between a thin white tee-shirt and a scarf.

Because it conceals nothing past her nipples … if that much.

You can see that Emily had to position her hand pretty carefully for some makeshift censorship.

Emily Ratajkowski is popular and hot on Instagram, but that app has rules, folks.

Snapchat, however, is much more permissive, which is why her followers were treated to this:

Her shirt, while her arms are down and while she’s standing still, just barely comes down far enough to “hide” her nipples.

But in addition to revealing a very generous amount of underboob, you can see her right nipple as clear as anything.

It’s poking through her shirt, folks.

As always, Emily Ratajkowski looks stunning.

We don’t know if she’s wearing different underwear than in the previous photo.

(Where her thong was black)

Or if it’s just colored differently in the front.

Emily Ratajkowski has never been shy about nudity during her career.

Well, she didn’t exactly traipse around while topless when she had a recurring guest spot on iCarly as Gibby’s inexplicably hot girlfriend.

(Gibby himself, if you’ll recall from the glory days of iCarly being a ratings juggernaut for Nickelodeon, had a habit of removing his shirt in comical situations. Emily Ratajkowski’s character herself did not, for numerous reasons that we hope that we don’t need to explain)

But whether it was appearing in the video for that awful song, Blurred Lines, or her breakout movie role in Gone Girl, Emily Ratajkowski hasn’t shied away from busting out her not-so-secret weapons.

She’s also spoken out about how it’s tragic that nudity is seen as vulgar instead of artistic by too many people within our culture and society.

And she’s absolutely right.

It’s sad, though, that Emily Ratajkowski doesn’t seem to be considered for more roles.

Nudity shouldn’t back her into a corner, role-wise.

If anything, it should broaden the field of roles for which she’s considered.

She should be playing a scifi heroine who adventures on a starship.

Or she should model for and voice a video game protagonist who hunts demons or ghouls or whatever.

That’s what we want her to be able to do, career-wise.

Emily Ratajkowski can do so much more than play girlfriends and have boobs.

No matter how great those boobs may be.
