Thursday, August 24, 2017

Alaskan Bush People SLAMMED, Called "Fake" by Fans!

The Brown family on Alaskan Bush People said goodbye to Browntown in a recent episode, but the show teased that it wasn’t an end — just a new beginning.

At the news that Alaskan Bush People is getting another season, a lot of fans rejoiced. Most viewers want to see their shows get renewed.

Some fans, however, are now turning on the series. To them, renewal isn’t good news — it’s confirmation of everything that they say is wrong with the show.

Even though this season was said to be the last one for the family, and even though the show’s renewal came as a surprise, we have to say that it makes sense.

The combination of the family leaving Browntown in Alaska combined with Ami Brown’s painful battle with cancer seemed like they were closing the chapter.

Many fans urged the Brown children to not close Browntown and to stay in Alaska, hoping that they’d carry on their family’s tradition of roughing it as if they were in a very uneventful post-apocalyptic setting.

But … the only possible reason to do that would be to continue filming the show.

(Filming the show makes sense, because the cancer storyline, tragic as it is, sure has people’s attention)

Otherwise they’d just be squatting in the woods like fugitives for no reason.

Children aren’t just extensions of their parents; this is something that Ami and Billy Brown are passionate about.

The Brown children all have their own lives to lead, you know?

Especially now that they’ve all been getting paid for their reality show for the better part of a decade.

So, Discovery shared a new promo for the series … except that their video, in which Billy Brown talks about setting up their new homes.

It’s in the southwestern wilderness, and it’s less than an hour from a hospital — where Ami Brown gets chemo treatment.

(Unfortunately, and we hate to relay bad news, but Ami Brown’s cancer is reportedly worse than people first thought, though we don’t have confirmation of that, yet)

The controversy? The new homestead that Billy’s proposed is in Colorado. The promo is titled “Colorado Bush People.”

And fans on pages like Alaskan Bush People: Exposed are expressing their outrage and calling out the series for being “fake.”

Some of the comments were pure sarcasm:

“Cheers, let’s drink to the ‘integrity’ of this [wonderful] family. Bless these honest people on their journey to the new Browntown.”

Others announced that they were doing what video game folks would call ragequitting.

“I won’t be watching. Done with all this fake so called life style.”

Others felt like they’d had the wool over their eyes for a long time and only recently broken their suspension of disbelief.

“I quit watching too! This group gives me way more entertainment! I admit they had me fooled for a while. But I was always trying to figure out their logistics and that they always had new lumber and rolls of plastic.”

Now, of course they did — either provided by the show through their contract or just purchased.

“Can this show REALLY be called ‘bush’ people when they are living in suburbs, vacationing throughout the US and all of them have social media? Let’s stop the crazy. Seriously.”

Reportedly, some of them are still vacationing. Noah Brown got slammed for “abandoning” his family, if you’ll recall.

(He has a fiancee and probably has things on his mind other than building treehouses, folks)

The thing is that all reality shows have some degree of fakeness.

We all know that.

Most Real Housewives would (hopefully) not be breaking glasses or overturning tables if the cameras weren’t present.

Even the shows that follow people’s lives will have events scheduled by producers that are designed to generate drama if there isn’t enough drama already.

This spike of interest that got them to film more may not last, which means that Colorado may be the Brown family’s last stand on reality television.

But you know what? Good for them. After roughing it like that for so long, don’t they deserve to retire and rejoin civilization?

They should get to enjoy some of that sweet, sweet reality TV dough.
