Thursday, August 10, 2017

Duggar Fans to Austin Forsyth: Give Joy-Anna Her Freedom!

If you follow the constant gossip surrounding her family, you know that Jinger Duggar’s decision to begin wearing pants has created quite a stir.

The reason for this, of course, is that while they’re growing up, Duggar women are forbidden to wear anything from the waist down other than floor-length skirts.

It’s only after they’ve married and moved out of the family home (in that order) that the daughters of Jim Bob and Michelle are permitted to wear pants or shorts, and then only if their husbands approve of the new attire.

Jinger was the first of her sisters to receive any such permission, and she’s been taking full advantage.

Photos of Jinger wearing shorts have drawn condemnation from more conservative Duggar fans, but the critics have been drowned out by the throng of supporters applauding the 23-year-old for asserting her independence.

But despite the overwhelmingly positive response, it doesn’t look as though Jinger’s younger sisters will not be following her lead anytime soon.

Back in May, Joy-Anna Duggar married Austin Forsyth, and while her husband is considerably younger than Jinger’s spouse, it seems he doesn’t share Jeremy Vuolo’s left-leaning (by Duggar standards) views on women’s rights.

Some fans are upset that three months after the wedding, Joy-Anna is still covering her legs in enough denim to fashion a dozen Canadian tuxedos.

The development is especially troubling in light of Joy-Anna’s revelation that she’s no great fan of her family’s dress code.

“I said before that I don’t like dresses, but Austin likes them on me,” she recently remarked.

“And so, I’m branching out, and I’m wearing some dresses now. I don’t really have fashion. I just kind of wear whatever Austin likes.”

Not surprisingly, many fans have taken to Joy and Austin’s joint Instagram account to express their thoughts on her sartorial choices.

“She is very young and pretty. I wish she dresses like her sister Jinger, (who is) more modern. (There is) nothing wrong (about) wearing pants. Please, Joy, change your style,” one commenter wrote.

You could argue that that particular follower should spend more time proofreading her own comments and less time obsessing over Joy’s clothing, but we certainly see her point.

Speaking of Instagram, some fans are upset that Joy and Austin have a joint account, and he seems to be the number one admin.

Duggar women aren’t permitted to have social media accounts until after they get engaged, and many feel that joy is sacrificing a significant measure of freedom by failing to start her own page.

“I find it so odd that Austin seems to be the one controlling their Instagram account,” says one fan, pointing out that “the other married Duggar girls & spouses have individual accounts.”

“It could be that Joy just doesn’t care that much about social media. But to me, it really does seem like an expression of Austin’s controlling approach to their relationship,” the fan goes on.

“He has definitely struck me as the most fervent and patriarchal fundamentalist of the husbands, and I think we’re seeing that here.”

Sounds like Austin may have a difficult time winning over the Duggar faithful.

He may want to consider stopping at Wal-Mart and picking up a pair of women’s Levi’s on his way home.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
